Изворни код странице Модул:Citation/CS1/Whitelist-lat
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--[[--------------------------< P A R A M E T E R S N O T S U P P O R T E D >------------------------------
This is a list of parameters that once were but now are no longer supported:
['albumlink'] = nil, -- unique alias of titlelink used by old cite AV media notes
['albumtype'] = nil, -- controled inappropriate functionality in the old cite AV media notes
['artist'] = nil, -- unique alias of others used by old cite AV media notes
['Author'] = nil, -- non-standard capitalization
['authorformat'] = nil, -- primarily used to support Vancouver format which functionality now part of name-list-format
['author-format'] = nil, -- primarily used to support Vancouver format which functionality now part of name-list-format
['author-name-separator'] = nil,-- primarily used to support Vancouver format which functionality now part of name-list-format
['author-separator'] = nil, -- primarily used to support Vancouver format which functionality now part of name-list-format
['began'] = nil, -- module handles date ranges; cite episode and cite series
['chapterlink'] = nil, -- if ever necessary to link to a chapter article, |chapter= can be wikilinked
['chapter-link'] = nil, --
['cointerviewers'] = nil, -- unique alias of others used by old cite interview
['day'] = nil, -- deprecated in {{citation/core}} and somehow undeprecated in Module:Citation/CS1 and now finally removed
['director'] = nil, -- unique alias of author used by old cite DVD-notes
['DoiBroken'] = nil, -- not used, non-standard captialization
['Editor'] = nil, -- non-standard capitalization
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