Медијавики:Gadget-StickyTableHeaders.js — историја измена

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(трен) = razlika s trenutnom izmenom, (разл) = razlika s prethodnom izmenom, м = mala izmena, = uređivanje odeljka, = automatski opis izmene.

15. март 2023.

  • тренразл 14:3514:35, 15. март 2023.Admin разговор доприноси 1.703 бајта +1.703 Нова страница: /** * Find all header rows in a thead-less table and put them in a <thead> tag. * This only treats a row as a header row if it contains only <th>s (no <td>s) * and if it is preceded entirely by header rows. The algorithm stops when * it encounters the first non-header row. * * After this, it will look at all rows at the bottom for footer rows * And place these in a tfoot using similar rules. * * This function was copied from MediaWiki's jquery.tablesorte…