Шаблон:PBB Further reading

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Lua error: Cannot create process: proc_open(/dev/null): failed to open stream: Operation not permitted


This template is generally only used by User:ProteinBoxBot. When updating a page, it searches for this template and updates all the citations inside (See Bot Control Template). It is suggested that additional citations be added to a page either before or after this template, but not within the template. Manually adding a citation within this template carries a high risk that it will be deleted/overwritten at some point in the future.

It is possible to turn updates to this template off through the Bot Control Template. A page without the Bot Control template will not update the citations template.

| citations =

Parameter explanations


  • This field contains a list of citations, preferably via the Template:cite journal. If updates are on, this entire field will be overwritten with new information the next time User:ProteinBoxBot updates the page.