Section 2. Description of the National Flag of Latvia
The national flag of Latvia is carmine with a white horizontal stripe.
The red-white-red stripe ratio of the national flag of Latvia is 2:1:2.
The width to length ratio of the National flag of Latvia is 1:2.
The red-white-red ratio of the national flag of Latvia, as well as the width to length ratio irrespective of the dimensions of the flag, shall conform to the sample indicated in Annex 1 to this Law.
The national flag of Latvia is a Latvian State symbol.[1]
If the national flag of Latvia or the pennant of the national flag of Latvia is made from a textile, the carmine colour thereof shall conform with the Pantone Textile Colour System 19-1629 TPX or 19-1629 TC Colour Code.
The 27 November 2018 amendment, which came into force 1 January 2019, states that non-fabric flags, as well as representations produced using other techniques (including digital representations), use Pantone 201 C. [2]
Latvijas valsts karogs ir karmīnsarkans ar baltu horizontālu svītru.
Latvijas valsts karoga sarkanbaltsarkano svītru attiecība ir 2:1:2.
Latvijas valsts karoga platuma un garuma attiecība ir 1:2.
Latvijas valsts karoga sarkanbaltsarkano svītru attiecība, kā arī karoga platuma un garuma attiecība neatkarīgi no karoga izmēriem atbilst šā likuma 1.pielikumā norādītajam paraugam.
Latvijas valsts karogs ir Latvijas valsts simbols.[3]
Karmīnsarkanā auduma krāsa atbilst Pantone Textile Colour System 19-1629 TPX vai 19-1629 TC krāsas kodam.[4]
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