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Датотека:Rifle, bolt-action (AM 1962.132-1).jpg

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Rifle, bolt-action   (Wikidata search (Cirrus search) Wikidata query (SPARQL)  Create new Wikidata item based on this file)
Royal Small Arms Factory: Sparkbrook
Rifle, bolt-action
Врста предмета Classification: NM3.7887
English: British Lee Enfield Mk Ix rifle (Long Tom), Anglo Boer War Probably belonged to and carved by Lance-Corporal Alfred Samuel Clark, 16th Coy, NZMR rifle- bolt action; .303 inch calibre; comes with magazine and original leather sling; carved butt carving- side 1- soldier on horseback side 2- 1900-1902 - SOUTH AFRICA - BOER WAR - NZMR 6 markings- proof and view marks; Military Acceptance marks; War Department marks (under top wood) maker's details and date- SPARKBROOK 1900 serial number 66575 on body and bolt reign and model- VR and LE Ix; WW2 Home Guard issue- 1 - HG - 1164 maker- Royal Small Arms Factory, Sparkbrook; circa 1900 missing parts- rear valley sight missing; front V.S. groove missing; sling missing (1995)
Датум 04 Oct 1962; Anglo-Boer War; 1900; (1899-1902)

length: 1250mm
length: 770mm
width: 120mm
calibre: 7.7mm
notes: barrel
notes: overall

notes: butt
institution QS:P195,Q758657
Пописни број
Место настанка Republic of South Africa; Sparkbrook; New Zealand; South Africa
Порекло Collection of Auckland Museum Tamaki Paenga Hira, 1962.132, A7030, W1705
Белешке British Lee Enfield Mk Ix rifle (Long Tom), Anglo Boer War, 1900 Almost certainly belonged to and carved by donor's father, Lance-Corporal Alfred Samuel Clark, 16th Coy, 6 New Zealand Mounted Rifles Alfred Clarke, born in 1870. He lived in Auckland and on enlistment recorded his occupation as miner. He was awarded the Queens South Africa Medal with clasps for actions at Cape Colony, Orange Free State and Transvaal and also received the SA 1901 and SA 1902 clasps. He also received the Coronation Contingent 1902 Medal. Alfred S Clarke died on 4 April 1960 and is buried at the Purewa Cemetery, Auckland. The band of white paint on the rifle and additional markings show that the rifle was taken for Home Guard use during WW2 Published reference- Carvings from the Veldt, Part Two - Rifle Carvings from the Anglo-Boer War 1899-1902 by Dave C George pp 41-42

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тренутна01:52, 11. децембар 2017.Umanjeni prikaz za izdanje od 01:52, 11. децембар 2017.3.169 × 966 (147 kB)wikimediacommons>FæAuckland Museum Page 78.29 Object 7828 Image 1/18 http://api.aucklandmuseum.com/id/media/v/344936

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