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Lua error: Cannot create process: proc_open(/dev/null): failed to open stream: Operation not permitted

Lua error: Cannot create process: proc_open(/dev/null): failed to open stream: Operation not permitted Lua error: Cannot create process: proc_open(/dev/null): failed to open stream: Operation not permitted

This template is used to link one or more users' names, in the form "@Username:", to trigger a notification for user(s) you are replying to in a discussion. The notification will only work successfully if you sign your post in the same edit in which you use this template. If you make a mistake in placing this template or in signing, see Help:Fixing failed pings. It is an alternative to the {{talkback}} template. It works on any talk page or Wikipedia namespace page.

You cannot directly type the "@" symbol to notify a user of your reply, you must use the template documented here or manually create a wikilink to their user page.
The "@" symbol is used by this template for display purposes only.

This template is particularly helpful in discussions that are not threaded, to indicate which user's comment is referenced. If you feel that this template unnecessarily personalizes the discussion, you may still use the {{talkback}} template on the user's talk page to indicate that you have replied to a comment. IP addresses are only notified if you post to their user talk page.


{{reply to|Username}} Message text. ~~~~

The edit that adds this template must meet the following requirement for notifications to work:

  • The edit must add new lines of text, not just edit existing lines.
  • The edit must be signed by adding ~~~~ to the end of the message.
    • If you have specified a custom signature, it must contain a plain wiki link ([[ ]]) to your user page, user talk page, or contributions page; it cannot be embedded in a template.
  • The edit must either be entirely within an existing sections (it cannot have new section headers in the middle) or start a new section (starts with a new section header).
    • Only sections of level 2 and above count.
  • If the number of detected to-be-pinged users exceeds 50, no notifications will be delivered.

See Wikipedia:Notifications and mw:Help:Echo#Technical details for more information.

It is not necessary to use this template to ping the user if you are already linking to the username from your post, neither is it necessary when posting on their own talk page.

Note: Wikipedia does not support using the at sign in a reply to notify the user you are replying to, as many discussion boards do. While Wikipedia shows the results of using this template with an at sign, you must either use a template or directly link to the user's user page (e.g. [[User:Example|@Example]]) to ping them.

@Username Message text. ~~~~ DOES NOT WORK

Single recipient

Use the following syntax:

{{reply to|Username}} Message text. ~~~~

For example, {{Reply to|Jimbo Wales}} generates "@Lua error: Cannot create process: proc_open(/dev/null): failed to open stream: Operation not permitted:" and notifies Lua error: Cannot create process: proc_open(/dev/null): failed to open stream: Operation not permitted

The comment must be signed and belong to a named section of a "Talk" or "Wikipedia" namespace page in order for the notification to work.

Multiple recipients

You can reply to up to 50 people at once. Use the following syntax:

{{reply to|User1|User2|User3|User4|User5|User6|User7|User8|User9|User10|...}} Message text. ~~~~

For example, {{reply to|Example|Jimbo Wales}} will produce:

Lua error: Cannot create process: proc_open(/dev/null): failed to open stream: Operation not permitted

⚠ Warning: If the total number of detected to-be-pinged users in an edit exceeds 50, no notifications will be delivered. This is a software limit, and applies to the entire edit, even if the mentions are split between multiple templates. If you need to ping more than 50 users, it will need to be spread across multiple edits, and each edit needs to add new lines and be signed by you.

Specify a nickname

You can display any text in place of a username by using |labelX=, where X is the index of a positional parameter, counting from 1. For example:

"{{reply to|Example|label1=Exemplar|Example2|label2=John}}" produces "Lua error: Cannot create process: proc_open(/dev/null): failed to open stream: Operation not permitted"

You can also use |label= in place of |label1=. For example:

"{{reply to|Example|label=John}}" produces "Lua error: Cannot create process: proc_open(/dev/null): failed to open stream: Operation not permitted"

Specify a prefix

To change the prefix, use |prefix=custom prefix. For example:

"{{reply to|Example|prefix=Hello&nbsp;}}" produces "Lua error: Cannot create process: proc_open(/dev/null): failed to open stream: Operation not permitted"

Or you can remove the prefix entirely by using |prefix=. For example:

"{{reply to|Example|prefix=}}" produces "Lua error: Cannot create process: proc_open(/dev/null): failed to open stream: Operation not permitted"

Customise punctuation

By default, the template will insert a colon after the final name. To change this, specify the required character using the |p= parameter. For example:

"{{reply to|Example|p=—}}" produces "Lua error: Cannot create process: proc_open(/dev/null): failed to open stream: Operation not permitted"

The parameter omits leading or trailing spaces. Use &nbsp; instead. For example:

"{{reply to|Example|p=&nbsp;–}} Text message" produces "Lua error: Cannot create process: proc_open(/dev/null): failed to open stream: Operation not permitted Text message"

To simply remove the colon, use the parameter with an empty value:

"{{reply to|Example|p=}}" produces "Lua error: Cannot create process: proc_open(/dev/null): failed to open stream: Operation not permitted"

Customise conjunction

By default, the template will use the word "and" between multiple names. To change this, specify the required conjunction using the |c= parameter. For example:

"{{reply to|Example|Example2|c=or}}" produces "Lua error: Cannot create process: proc_open(/dev/null): failed to open stream: Operation not permitted"
"Neither {{reply to|Example|Example2|Example3|c=nor}}" produces "Neither Lua error: Cannot create process: proc_open(/dev/null): failed to open stream: Operation not permitted"

To simply remove the conjunction, use the parameter with an empty value:

"{{reply to|Example|Example2|c=}}" produces "Lua error: Cannot create process: proc_open(/dev/null): failed to open stream: Operation not permitted"

Or don't use!

If you are using the |prefix= and |p= together to just display one user name, then there is no need to use this template. Simply code [[User:username|]] or {{u|username}}. This will generate the same notifications as are generated by the template.

Error messages

Username not given

Sometimes, when the recipient's username contains an equal sign, for example {{reply to|test=test}}, it will show:

Lua error: Cannot create process: proc_open(/dev/null): failed to open stream: Operation not permitted

To fix this, simply add 1= at the beginning of the username, 2= at the second username, 3= at the third username and so on:

{{reply to|1=test=test}}

More than 50 names specified

If more than 50 names are specified in the template, it will show:

Lua error: Cannot create process: proc_open(/dev/null): failed to open stream: Operation not permitted

This is a limitation of the notification system, as documented at mw:Manual:Echo. Note that the system limitation is per edit, so while splitting a longer list between two templates will avoid this error message, none of the notifications will be sent. In the rare case you need to notify more than 50 people, it will need to be done in multiple edits.


Podaci o šablonu

Ovo je TemplateData dokumentacija za ovaj šablon, korišćena u Vizuelnom uređivaču i u drugim alatkama; pogledajte mesečni izveštaj o greškama za ovaj šablon.

TemplateData za Odgovor

Obaveštava jednog ili više registrovanih korisnika kojima odgovarate u raspravi.

Parametri šablona

Prvo korisničko ime1

Ime prvog korisnika koga želite da obavestite

ime korisnikaobavezno
Drugo korisničko ime2

Ime drugog korisnika koga želite da obavestite (neobavezno)

ime korisnikaneobavezno
Treće korisničko ime3

Ime trećeg korisnika koga želite da obavestite (neobavezno)

ime korisnikaneobavezno
Četvrto korisničko ime4

Ime četvrtog korisnika koga želite da obavestite (neobavezno)

ime korisnikaneobavezno
Peto korisničko ime5

Ime petog korisnika koga želite da obavestite (neobavezno)

ime korisnikaneobavezno
Šesto korisničko ime6

Ime šestog korisnika koga želite da obavestite (neobavezno)

ime korisnikaneobavezno
Sedmo korisničko ime7

Ime sedmog korisnika koga želite da obavestite (neobavezno)

ime korisnikaneobavezno
Osmo korisničko ime8

Ime osmog korisnika koga želite da obavestite (neobavezno)

ime korisnikaneobavezno
Deveto korisničko ime9

Ime devetog korisnika koga želite da obavestite (neobavezno)

ime korisnikaneobavezno
Deseto korisničko ime10

Ime desetog korisnika koga želite da obavestite (neobavezno)

ime korisnikaneobavezno
Prva oznakalabel1 label

Alternativni nadimak za prikaz umesto prvog korisničkog imena (neobavezno)

Drugo oznakalabel2

Alternativni nadimak za prikaz umesto drugog korisničkog imena (neobavezno)

Treća oznakalabel3

Alternativni nadimak za prikaz umesto trećeg korisničkog imena (neobavezno)

Četvrta oznakalabel4

Alternativni nadimak za prikaz umesto četvrtog korisničkog imena (neobavezno)

Peta oznakalabel5

Alternativni nadimak za prikaz umesto petog korisničkog imena (neobavezno)

Šesta oznakalabel6

Alternativni nadimak za prikaz umesto šestog korisničkog imena (neobavezno)

Sedma oznakalabel7

Alternativni nadimak za prikaz umesto sedmog korisničkog imena (neobavezno)

Osma oznakalabel8

Alternativni nadimak za prikaz umesto osmog korisničkog imena (neobavezno)

Deveta oznakalabel9

Alternativni nadimak za prikaz umesto devetog korisničkog imena (neobavezno)

Deseta oznakalabel10

Alternativni nadimak za prikaz umesto desetog korisničkog imena (neobavezno)

Interpunkcija na krajup

Prilagođena interpunkcija za prikaz nakon završnog imena (podrazumevano: „:”)

Automatska vrednost

Prilagođen veznik za prikaz između poslednja dva imena (podrazumevano: „i”)

Automatska vrednost

Prilagođen predmetak za prikaz pre prvog imena (podrazumevano: „@”)


See also

  • Module:Reply to – the Lua module on which this template is based
  • {{user link}} – Links to a single user's page (without the @ sign and colon)
  • {{hidden ping}} – Notifies one or more users without displaying any text
  • {{noping}} – Links a user's name without triggering the Echo notification system
  • {{to}} – Uses "To " (with a space) at the beginning instead of the @ sign
  • {{talkback}} – Allows a user to direct the attention of another user to a discussion via a notification
  • {{subst:Ping fix}} – User namespace template used to notify a user that they used {{reply to}} incorrectly
  • Manual:Echo – the manual page for the underlying Echo feature that provides the notifications
  • Help:Fixing failed pings

Šablon:Inline talk templates