Шаблон:Blockquote paragraphs

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Lua error: Cannot create process: proc_open(/dev/null): failed to open stream: Operation not permitted

The <blockquote> element and any templates that use it do not honor newlines:

Викиозначавање Резултат у чланкуLua error: Cannot create process: proc_open(/dev/null): failed to open stream: Operation not permitted

The simplest workaround for this is to use the <poem> tag inside <blockquote>, which will convert line breaks to <br /> tags:

Викиозначавање Резултат у чланкуLua error: Cannot create process: proc_open(/dev/null): failed to open stream: Operation not permitted

To markup actual paragraphs within block quotations, entire blank lines can be used between them, which will convert to <p>...</p> tags:

Викиозначавање Резултат у чланкуLua error: Cannot create process: proc_open(/dev/null): failed to open stream: Operation not permitted

Lua error: Cannot create process: proc_open(/dev/null): failed to open stream: Operation not permitted