Šablon:Drugi projekti-lat/dok

Izvor: Vojna Enciklopedija
< Шаблон:Drugi projekti-latOvo je najnovija verzija ove stranice; nema odobrenih izmena.
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Lua error: Cannot create process: proc_open(/dev/null): failed to open stream: Operation not permitted

Lua error: Cannot create process: proc_open(/dev/null): failed to open stream: Operation not permitted


Ovaj šablon omogućava grupisanje veza ka Ostavi, Vikivestima, Vikiknjigama itd. u njihovo pokazivanje u jednoj kutijici, čime se izbegava niz šablona i prenatrpanost članka.

{{Drugi projekti-lat
 | commons     = Serbs
 | commons2    = Serbia
 | wiktionary  = Srbija
 | wikinews    = Srbi
 | wikiquote   = Srbi
 | wikisource  = Srbija u miru
 | wikibooks   = Srpska revolucija
 | cookbooks   = Srpska torta — zastava
 | wikivoyage  = Serbia
 | wikiversity = Serbia
 | wikidata    = Srbi
 | wikispecies = Homo sapiens
 | meta        = Wikipedia
 | mediawiki   = Wikipedia

Za Ostavu i Vikivesti je podrazumevano da vode do kategorija, pa ne treba pisati Kategorija ili Category. Za Vikikuvar se podrazumeva da naziv članka počinje sa Kuvar.

The {{Sister project links-lat}} template provides links to the Search page on the various Wikimedia sister projects. If a matching article exists, the reader will be directed there. Otherwise, normal search results are shown.


{{Sister project links-lat 
 |1= |collapsible= |display= |author= |commonscat=

<!-- (Use the value "no" to exclude a project:) -->
 |b= |c= |d= |m= |mw= |n= |q= |s=
 |species= |species_author= |v= |voy= |wikt=
Ovo je TemplateData dokumentacija za ovaj šablon, korišćena u Vizuelnom uređivaču i u drugim alatkama; pogledajte mesečni izveštaj o greškama za ovaj šablon.

TemplateData za Drugi projekti-lat

Displays a terminal window with a set of commands. If the titles in the individual sister projects differ, use the following parameters, which are taken from [[Help:Interwiki linking]].

Parametri šablona

Search Parameter1

Use if the ''search parameter'' differs from the pagename.


Set to e.g. "include", "true", "on" etc. to make the template collapsible; or to "collapsed" to make the template collapsible and initially collapsed.


Use if the ''display name'' is different from the search term. For example, the bear article would be 'Bears'.


Use for articles about authors to force the sisterlinks to include the Author: prefix. Can set yes/no.


Use for category links on Commons. Can set yes/no.

Wiktionary linkwikt

Wiktionary link

Wikimedia Commons linkc

Wikimedia Commons link

Wikinews linkn

Wikinews link

Wikiquote linkq

Wikiquote link

Wikisource links

Wikisource link

Wikibooks linkb

Wikibooks link

Wikivoyage linkvoy

Wikivoyage link

Wikiversity linkv

Wikiversity link

Wikidata linkd

Wikidata link

Wikispecies taxon linkspecies

Wikispecies taxon link

Wikispecies author linkspecies_author

Wikispecies author link

Meta-Wiki linkm

Meta-Wiki link

MediaWiki linkmw

MediaWiki link


Default display

  • If you would like to exclude a link to a particular sister project, input no as the parameter for that sister project. For example, use:
{{Sister project links-lat | q=no}}
to exclude the Wikiquote sister project. Only these parameters will display by default: wikt, commons, b, n, q, s and v. However, voy only displays by default if the entity type on Wikidata is "geographical feature".
  • Note: Links to MediaWiki, Meta-Wiki, Wikidata and Wikispecies are disabled by default. To show one or more of these sister projects, add the following:
{{Sister project links-lat| m=Title | d=RelatedName | species=ScientificName |mw=DocumentationName}}
Alternatively, use species_author=PersonName for taxonomic authors on Wikispecies


If using a large, graphical template produces odd layout problems, like the excessive white space shown on the right of this screenshot, then switch to a different sister template.

НеН Do not place this template in a section all by itself.

НеН Do not place this template in a section containing columns.

This template should normally be placed at the top of the External links section at the end of an article, if the article has a section for external links. If no such section exists, then please place it at the top of the last section in the article.

On disambiguation pages, this template should be listed above other text, but below any cleanup templates, images, infoboxes or navboxes.

See Where to place links for more information and alternatives.

See also