
Iz Vojne Enciklopedije
< Шаблон:FloatОво је најновија верзија ове странице; нема одобрених измена.
Пређи на навигацију Пређи на претрагу

Lua error: Cannot create process: proc_open(/dev/null): failed to open stream: Operation not permitted Lua error: Cannot create process: proc_open(/dev/null): failed to open stream: Operation not permitted

Use {{float}} to "float" items – i.e. position them – so they do not affect the alignment or formatting of other items (such as text) nearby.

  • {{float|item}} floats item on the righthand edge of a page/area.
  • {{float|left|item}} floats item on the lefthand edge of a page/area.
  • {{float |top= |right= |bottom= |left= |width= |item}}

|item is the only required parameter. The optional parameters top, right, bottom and left indicate how far from their respective positions the item is to be positioned. The width of the item may also be specified. Any established HTML/CSS units may be used so long as they are specified (for example, {{float |top=2.0em |left=2px |width=10em |Blah}}).


Note how the links in the second two examples are centered relative to the whole template, unlike those in the first example.

Example 1

One-line navbox using its image parameter: Lua error: Cannot create process: proc_open(/dev/null): failed to open stream: Operation not permitted

Code for Example 1
Example 2

Same navbox using {{float}} instead of the image parameter: Lua error: Cannot create process: proc_open(/dev/null): failed to open stream: Operation not permitted

Code for Example 2

Alternatives for navigational boxes

Same navbox using its image parameter and liststyle with padding-left set to the image width: Lua error: Cannot create process: proc_open(/dev/null): failed to open stream: Operation not permitted


See also