Шаблон:Planetbox character

Iz Vojne Enciklopedije
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Пређи на навигацију Пређи на претрагу
Физичке особине
Маса (m) ? MJ
Радијус (r) ? RJ
Густина (ρ) ? kg/m3
Температура (T) ? K

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This template is part of a group of templates that are used to display information about a specific extrasolar planet. The {{Planetbox begin}} is always the first in the list.

Syntax for this template:

{{Planetbox observe
| mass=mass in multiples of Jupiter's mass (optional, can use mass_earth instead)
| mass_earth=mass in multiples of Earth's mass (optional, can use mass instead)
| radius=radius in multiples of Jupiter's radius (optional, can use radius_earth instead)
| radius_earth=radius in multiples of Earth's radius (optional, can use radius instead)
| density=density
| temperature=Temperature 

This can be preceded or followed by one or more of the following templates:

The list should then be closed with a {{Planetbox end}} template.