Шаблон:Subinfobox bodystyle/док

Iz Vojne Enciklopedije
< Шаблон:Subinfobox bodystyleОво је најновија верзија ове странице; нема одобрених измена.
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Lua error: Cannot create process: proc_open(/dev/null): failed to open stream: Operation not permitted Lua error: Cannot create process: proc_open(/dev/null): failed to open stream: Operation not permitted

This template provides the correct styling with which to embed an {{Infobox}} or {{Sidebar}} within another template (usually another infobox or sidebar).


with Infobox

{{Infobox/Sidebar/etc  <!--(i.e. the parent template)-->

| dataN/contentN/etc =
  | bodystyle = {{subinfobox bodystyle}}


(Technical note: Using {{subinfobox bodystyle}} rather than Infobox's child parameter to embed an {{Infobox}} means that the outermost table used to contain the (otherwise typical stand-alone) Infobox is retained.)

with Sidebar

When using {{subinfobox bodystyle}} (as {{subsidebar bodystyle}}) to embed a {{Sidebar}}, the embedded Sidebar's navbar parameter (see documentation) also needs to be set to "off" (|navbar=off):

{{Sidebar/Infobox/etc  <!--(i.e. the parent template)-->

| contentN/dataN/etc =
 {{Sidebar |navbar=off
  | style = {{subsidebar bodystyle}}



Infobox within Infobox

Lua error: Cannot create process: proc_open(/dev/null): failed to open stream: Operation not permitted

| label1 = label1
|  data1 = data1
|  data2 =
  | bodystyle = {{subinfobox bodystyle}}
  | label1 = label1a
  |  data1 = data1a
  |  data2 = ''etc''
| label3 = label3
|  data3 = data3
|  data4 = ''etc''

Infobox within Sidebar

Lua error: Cannot create process: proc_open(/dev/null): failed to open stream: Operation not permitted

| heading1 = heading1
| content1 = content1
| heading2 = heading2
| content2 =
  | bodystyle = {{subinfobox bodystyle}}
  | label1 = label2a
  |  data1 = data2a
  | label2 = label2b
  |  data2 = data2b
  |  data3 = ''etc''
| heading3 = heading3
| content3 = content3
| content4 = ''etc''

Infobox3cols within Infobox

Lua error: Cannot create process: proc_open(/dev/null): failed to open stream: Operation not permitted

| label1 = label1
|  data1 = data1
|  data2 =
  | bodystyle = {{subinfobox bodystyle}}
  | label1 = label1a
  | data1a = data1aa
  | data1b = data1ab
  | data1c = data1ac
  | label2 = label2a
  | data2a = data2aa
  | data2c = data2ac
  |  data3 = ''etc''
| label3 = label3
|  data3 = data3
|  data4 = ''etc''

Sidebar within Sidebar

Lua error: Cannot create process: proc_open(/dev/null): failed to open stream: Operation not permitted

| heading1 = heading1
| content1 = content1
| heading2 = heading2
| content2 =
 {{Sidebar |navbar=off
  | style = {{subsidebar bodystyle}}
  | heading1 = heading2a
  | content1 = content2a
  | heading2 = heading2b
  | content2 = content2b
  | content3 = ''etc''
| heading3 = heading3
| content3 = content3
| content4 = ''etc''


Ово је TemplateData документација за овај шаблон, коришћена у Визуелном уређивачу и у другим алаткама; погледајте месечни извештај о грешкама за овај шаблон.

TemplateData за Subinfobox bodystyle

This template provides the correct styling with which to embed an {{Infobox}} or {{Sidebar}} within another template (usually another infobox or sidebar).

Параметри шаблона

Параметри нису наведени

See also