Šablon:Title year/dok

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< Шаблон:Title yearOvo je najnovija verzija ove stranice; nema odobrenih izmena.
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Lua error: Cannot create process: proc_open(/dev/null): failed to open stream: Operation not permitted


{{Title year|match|nomatch|page=}}


{{Title year|match=|nomatch=|page=}}


Ovo je TemplateData dokumentacija za ovaj šablon, korišćena u Vizuelnom uređivaču i u drugim alatkama; pogledajte mesečni izveštaj o greškama za ovaj šablon.

TemplateData za Title year

Extracts a 4-digit year from the current page title. All parameters are optional.

Parametri šablona

Match Instance1 match

If multiple 4-digit numbers are found, this specifies which match to return, where the first match is match= 1. If a negative number is specified then a match is returned counting from the last match. Hence match = -1 is the same as requesting the last match. Defaults to 1.

No match text2 nomatch

If no 4-digit year is found, output the "nomatch" value. Defaults to blank.

Override page titlepage

Specified a page title to use other than the current page. If left blank, the template will use the title of the current page

Naziv straniceneobavezno

See also

Lua error: Cannot create process: proc_open(/dev/null): failed to open stream: Operation not permitted