
Izvor: Vojna Enciklopedija
< Шаблон:TranscludeOvo je najnovija verzija ove stranice; nema odobrenih izmena.
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Lua error: Cannot create process: proc_open(/dev/null): failed to open stream: Operation not permitted

Lua error: Cannot create process: proc_open(/dev/null): failed to open stream: Operation not permitted

This template resolves page names as they would be handled by MediaWiki's template-transclusion process. It thereby removes ambiguity when doing other things with template pagenames, e.g. linking.

The most prominent use of this template is in the Lua error: Cannot create process: proc_open(/dev/null): failed to open stream: Operation not permitted menu used at the top of each {{navbox}}, though it is used in other templates as well, such as {{usbk}}.


  • {{transclude| Template:Foo }}Šablon:Foo
  • {{transclude| Category:Foo }}Kategorija:Foo
  • {{transclude| Foo }}Šablon:Foo
  • {{transclude| :Foo }}Foo
  • {{transclude| :File:Foo }}Datoteka:Foo


Ovo je TemplateData dokumentacija za ovaj šablon, korišćena u Vizuelnom uređivaču i u drugim alatkama; pogledajte mesečni izveštaj o greškama za ovaj šablon.

TemplateData za Transclude

This template resolves page names as they would be handled by MediaWiki's template-transclusion process. It thereby removes ambiguity when doing other things with template pagenames, e.g. linking.

Parametri šablona

Page name1

The name of the page you are trying to link to


See also