Poređenje orbitalnih sistema za lansiranje

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Lansirna raketa Falcon Heavy iz kompanije SpaceX.

Ovo poređenje orbitalnih sistema za lansiranje navodi atribute svih pojedinačnih raketnih konfiguracija dizajniranih da dostignu orbitu. Prva lista sadrži rakete koje su operativne ili u razvoju od 2022. godine; druga lista uključuje sve penzionisane rakete. Za jednostavnu listu svih familija konvencionalnih lansera, pogledajte: Poređenje familija orbitalnih lansera. Za listu orbitalnih lansirnih sistema pretežno na čvrsto gorivo, pogledajte: Poređenje orbitalnih sistema za lansiranje na čvrsto gorivo.

Pogon svemirske letelice[Napomena 1] je svaki metod koji se koristi za ubrzanje svemirskih letelica i veštačkih satelita. Konvencionalna raketa na čvrsto gorivo je raketa sa motorom koji koristi čvrsta goriva ( gorivo / oksidator ).[Napomena 2] Orbitalni sistemi za lansiranje su rakete i drugi sistemi koji mogu da postavljaju teret u ili izvan Zemljine orbite. Sve trenutne svemirske letelice koriste konvencionalne hemijske rakete ( bipropelent ili čvrsto gorivo) za lansiranje,[Napomena 3] iako su neki koristili motore koji rade uz pomoć vazduha u svojoj prvoj fazi. [Napomena 4]

Trenutne rakete

Legenda orbite: Шаблон:Colbegin


Vozilo Poreklo Proizvođač Masa nosivosti do ... (kg) Orbitalna lansiranja uklj. neuspesi[a] Datum leta
LEO GTO Ostalo Prvi Najnoviji
Alpha  SAD Firefly Aerospace 1.000[1] 630 do SSO 2 2021 2022
Angara A5  Rusija Khrunichev 24.000[2] 5.400 with Briz-M[2]
7.500 with KVTK
3[3] 2014 2021
Angara 1.2  Rusija Khrunichev 3.500[2] 2.400 do SSO 2[4] 2022 2022
Antares 230 / 230+  SAD Northrop Grumman 8.200[5] 3.000 do SSO[b] 6[6] 2016 2022
Ariane 5 (all variants) Шаблон:Подаци о застави Evropska Unija EADS Astrium (Arianegroup) 21.000[7] 11,210[8] 115 1996 2022
Atlas V 551  SAD ULA 18.500[9] 8,700 13,550 do SSO
3,960 do GEO
12[9] 2006 2021
Atlas V N22[c]  SAD ULA 13,000 2 2019[11] 2022
Ceres-1  Kina Galactic Energy 350 270 do SSO 4[12] 2020 2022
Delta IV Heavy  SAD ULA 28.790[13] 14.220 23.560 do polara
11.290 do TLI
8.000 do TMI
14[14] 2004 2022
Electron  SAD
 Novi Zeland
Rocket Lab 300[15] 200 do SSO[15] 26[16] 2017 2022
Epsilon  Japan IHI[17] 1.500[18] 590 do SSO 6[19] 2013 2019
Falcon 9 Full Thrust
(partially reusable)
 SAD SpaceX 16.800+[20] 5,500[21][d] 9,600 to polar[23] [24][25][e] 2015 2022
Falcon 9 Full Thrust
 SAD SpaceX 22.800[21] 8.300[21] 4,020 do TMI [27][28] 2017 2022
Falcon Heavy
(partially reusable)[29]
 SAD SpaceX 30,000[30]–57,000[31] 8,000[21]–10,000[f] [32][33] 2018 2022
Falcon Heavy
 SAD SpaceX 63,800[34] 26,700[34] 16,800 do TMI[34] 0 [g]
GSLV Mk II  Indija ISRO 5.000[35] 2.700[36][h] 7[37] 2010 2018

5.100 kg do 500-km Sunčeve sinhrone orbite; 3.300 kg do 800 km

GSLV Mk III  Indija ISRO 10,000[38] 4,000 2,380 do TLI 3[39] 2017[i] 2022[j]
H-IIA 202  Japan Mitsubishi 8,000[42]:Lua error: Cannot create process: proc_open(/dev/null): failed to open stream: Operation not permitted 4,000[42]:Lua error: Cannot create process: proc_open(/dev/null): failed to open stream: Operation not permitted 5,100 do SSO[k]
[42]:Lua error: Cannot create process: proc_open(/dev/null): failed to open stream: Operation not permitted
26[43] 2001 2020
Hyperbola-1  Kina i-Space 300[44] 4[45] 2019[46][l] 2022
Jielong 1[47]  Kina CALT 200 (SSO) 1[47] 2019 2019
Jielong 3  Kina CALT 1.500 (500 km SSO) 1[48] 2022 2022
Kaituozhe-2  Kina CASC 800[49] 1[49] 2017 2017
Kuaizhou 1/1A  Kina ExPace 400[50] 250 do SSO 20 2013[m] 2022
Kuaizhou 11  Kina ExPace 1.500[51] 1.000 do SSO[52] 2 2020 2022
LauncherOne  SAD Virgin Orbit 500[53] 300 do SSO[54] 4 2020 2022
Lijian-1 (ZhongKe-1A)  Kina CAS Space 2.000[55] 1.500[56] do 500 km SSO 1[57] 2022 2022
Long March 2C  Kina CALT 3.850
Lua error: Cannot create process: proc_open(/dev/null): failed to open stream: Operation not permitted
1.250 with CTS2 2.000 do SSO with YZ-1S[58] 64[59] 1982 2022
Long March 2D  Kina SAST 4.000 1.150 do SSO 71[59] 1992 2022
Long March 2F  Kina CALT 8.600 19[59] 1999 2022
Long March 3A  Kina CALT 6,000[60] 2,600 5,000 do SSO 27[61] 1994 2018
Long March 3B/E  Kina CALT 11,500[60] 5,500 6,900 do SSO 75[61] 2007 2022
Long March 3C  Kina CALT 9,100[60] 3,800 6,500 do SSO 18[61] 2008 2021
Long March 4B  Kina SAST 4.200[62] 1.500 2.800 do SSO 47[62] 1999 2022
Long March 4C  Kina SAST 4.200[63] 1.500 2.800 do SSO 47[62] 2006 2022
Long March 5  Kina CALT 14.000 [64] 15.000 do SSO[65]
9.400 do TLI[64]
6.000 do TMI[64]
5[65] 2016 2020
Long March 5B  Kina CALT 25.000[65] 4[65] 2020[66] 2022
Long March 6  Kina SAST 1.080 do SSO[67] 8[68] 2015 2021
Long March 6A  Kina SAST 4.000 do SSO[69] 2[68] 2022 2022
Long March 7  Kina CALT 13.500[70] 5.500 do SSO 6[71] 2016[72] 2022
Long March 7A  Kina CALT 5.500 do 7.000[66] 4[71] 2020 2022
Long March 8  Kina CALT 8.400 2.800 5.000 do SSO 2[73] 2020 2022
Long March 11  Kina CALT 700[74] 350 do SSO 15[75] 2015 2022
Minotaur I  SAD Northrop Grumman 580[76] 12[77] 2000 2021
Minotaur IV  SAD Northrop Grumman 1.735[78] 5[79][n] 2010 2020
Minotaur V  SAD Northrop Grumman 670[79] 465 do HCO 1[79] 2013 2013
Minotaur-C (Taurus)[80]  SAD Northrop Grumman 1.458[81] 1.054 do SSO[o] 10[82] 1994 2017
Nuri (KSLV-II)  Južna Koreja KARI 2.600 1.500 do SSO[83][84] 2[84] 2021 2022
OS-M1  Kina OneSpace 205[85] 143 do SSO 1 2019[86][p] 2019
Pegasus  SAD Northrop Grumman 500[88] 44[88][89] 1990 2019
Proton-M / M+  Rusija Khrunichev 21.600 (M)[90]
23.000 (M+)[91]
6.150 (M)
6.920 (M+)
108[92][93][94] 2001 2020
PSLV-CA  Indija ISRO 2.100[95] 1.100 do SSO 14[95] 2007 2019
PSLV-DL  Indija ISRO 1[95] 2019 2021
PSLV-QL  Indija ISRO 2[95] 2019 2019
PSLV-XL  Indija ISRO 3.800[95] 1.300 1.750 do SSO
550 do TMI[96]
21[95] 2008 2020
Qased  Iran Revolutionary Guard Corps (IRGC) 2 2020 2022
Shavit  Izrael IAI 300[97] 10[98] 1988 2020
Simorgh  Iran Iranian Space Agency 350[99] 2[99][q] 2017 2019
Soyuz-2.1a  Rusija TsSKB-Progress 7.020 from Baikonur[100] 55[101][102][103] 2006[r] 2022
Soyuz-2.1b  Rusija TsSKB-Progress 8.200 from Baikonur[100] 2.400[104] 62[102][105] 2006 2022
Soyuz-2-1v  Rusija TsSKB-Progress 2.800[106] 1.400 do SSO 9[106] 2013 2022
SLS Block 1  SAD NASA / Boeing
Northrop Grumman
95.000[107] 27,000+ do TLI[108] 1 2022[109] 2022
SS-520  Јапан IHI Aerospace 4[110] 2[111] 2017[112][s] 2018
SSLV  Indija ISRO 500[113] 300 do SSO 1[114] 2022 2022
Unha  Severna Koreja KCST 100[115] 4[116] 2009[t] 2016
Vega Шаблон:Подаци о застави Evropska Unija ESA / ASI 1.500[u][117] 1.330 do SSO[118] 15[119] 2012 2020
Vega C Шаблон:Подаци о застави Evropska Unija ESA / ASI 2.200[u][120] 2[121] 2022 2022
Zhuque-2  Kina LandSpace 4,000[122] 2,000 do SSO 1 2022[123] 2022

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Predstojeće rakete

Vozilo Poreklo Proizvođač Masa nosivosti do ... (kg) Datum prvog leta
LEO GTO Ostalo
Agnibaan  Indija AgniKul Cosmos 100 2023[124]
Amur  Rusija 10.500[125] 2026[125]
Antares 330  SAD Northrop Grumman
Firefly Aerospace[v]
> 8.000[126] TBA
Ariane 6 A62 Шаблон:Подаци о застави Evropska Unija ArianeGroup 10,350[127]:Lua error: Cannot create process: proc_open(/dev/null): failed to open stream: Operation not permitted 5,000[127]:Lua error: Cannot create process: proc_open(/dev/null): failed to open stream: Operation not permitted 6,450 do SSO
3,000 do HEO
3,000 do TLI [127]:Lua error: Cannot create process: proc_open(/dev/null): failed to open stream: Operation not permitted
Ariane 6 A64 Шаблон:Подаци о застави Evropska Unija ArianeGroup 21,650[127]:Lua error: Cannot create process: proc_open(/dev/null): failed to open stream: Operation not permitted 11,500+ [127]:Lua error: Cannot create process: proc_open(/dev/null): failed to open stream: Operation not permitted 14,900 do SSO
5,000 do GEO
8,400 do HEO
8,500 do TLI [127]:Lua error: Cannot create process: proc_open(/dev/null): failed to open stream: Operation not permitted
Beta  SAD
Firefly Aerospace 8.000[129] TBA 5.800 do SSO TBA
Bloostar  Španija Zero 2 Infinity 140[130] 75 do SSO[130] TBA
Blue Whale 1  Južna Koreja Perigee Aerospace 63[131] 50 do SSO TBA
Cyclone-4M  Ukrajina Yuzhnoye
5.000[132] 1.000[133] 3.350 do SSO[132] 2025[134]
DNLV  Malezija Independence-X Aerospace 200 2025[135]
Eris  Australija
Gilmour Space Technologies 305[136] 2023[137]
H3  Japan Mitsubishi 4.000[138] 6.500[139] 4.000 do SSO[140] 2023[141]
Hyperbola-2  Kina i-Space 2,000[44] 2023[56]
Kuaizhou 21  Kina ExPace 20,000[142] 2025[52]
Long March 9  Kina CALT 150,000[143] 66,000[144] 53,000 do TLI[143]
40,000 do TMI[145]
Miura 5  Španija PLD Space 900 450 do SSO 2024[147]
Neutron  SAD
 Novi Zeland
Rocket Lab 8.000 2024[148]
New Glenn  SAD Blue Origin 45,000[149] 13,000 2023[150]
New Line 1
(partially reusable)[151]
 Kina LinkSpace do SSO[151] TBA
OS-M2  Kina OneSpace 390[85] 292 do SSO TBA
Qaem-100  Iran Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps 80[152] TBA
Prime  Velika Britanija Orbex 220[153] 150 do SSO[b][154] 2023[155]
Ravn X  SAD Aevum 100[156] TBA
RFA One  Nemačka Rocket Factory Augsburg AG 1,600[157] 450[157] 2023[158]
RS1  SAD ABL Space Systems 1.350[159] 400 1.000 do SSO
750 do MEO
Skyrora XL  SAD Skyrora 335[161] 315 do SSO[161] 2023[162]
Soyuz-5 / Irtysh  Rusija TsSKB-Progress
RSC Energia
18,000[163] 2,500 do GEO 2023
SLS Block 1B[w]  SAD NASA / Boeing
Northrop Grumman
105,000[164] 37,000 do TLI[165] 2027[166]
SLS Block 2[x]  SAD NASA / Boeing
Northrop Grumman
130,000[167] 45,000 do HCO[165] late 2020s (TBD)
Spectrum  Nemačka Isar Aerospace 1,000[168] 700 do SSO[168] 2023[158]
(Single launch)
 SAD SpaceX 100,000+[169][Napomena 5] 21,000[170] 2023 (orbital) [171]
(Additional refuelling launches)
 SAD SpaceX 100,000+[169][Napomena 6] 100,000+
100,000+do površine Marsa[169]
100,000+ do površine Meseca[169]
2023 (TBD)[172]
Terran 1  SAD Relativity Space 1.250[173] 900 do SSO 2023
Terran R  SAD Relativity Space 20,000[173] 2024[173]
Vega E Шаблон:Подаци о застави Evropska Unija ESA / ASI 3.000[174] 2025[175]
Vikram 1[176]  Indija Skyroot Aerospace[177] 315 do 45º inclination 500 km LEO 200 do 500 km SSPO 2023[178]
Vikram 2[176]  Indija Skyroot Aerospace 520 do 45º inclination 500 km LEO 410 do 500 km SSPO TBA
Vikram 3[176]  Indija Skyroot Aerospace 720 do 45º inclination 500 km LEO 580 do 500 km SSPO TBA
Vulcan / Centaur  SAD ULA 27.200[179] 14.400[179] 7,200 do GEO[179]
12,100 do TLI
Yenisei[181]  Rusija TsSKB-Progress
RSC Energia
88,000 – 115,000[182] 27,000 do TLI[183][184][185] 2028[184]
Zero  Japan Interstellar Technologies 100 do SSO[b][186] 2023[187]
Zuljanah  Iran Iranian Space Agency 220[188] TBA
921 rocket  Kina CALT 25,000 do TLI[189] 2025[146]

Lua error: Cannot create process: proc_open(/dev/null): failed to open stream: Operation not permitted

Penzionisane rakete

Vozilo Poreklo Proizvođač Masa do ... (kg) Lansira
(+ suborbitalno)
Datum leta
LEO GTO Ostalo Prvi Zadnji
Antares 110–130  SAD Orbital 5.100[5] 1.500 do SSO 5[5] 2013 2014
Ariane 1 Шаблон:Подаци о застави Evropska Unija Aérospatiale 1.830[190] 11[190] 1979 1986
Ariane 2 Шаблон:Подаци о застави Evropska Unija Aérospatiale 2.270[190] 6[190] 1986 1989
Ariane 3 Шаблон:Подаци о застави Evropska Unija Aérospatiale 2.650[190] 11[190] 1984 1989
Ariane 4 40 Шаблон:Подаци о застави Evropska Unija Aérospatiale 4.600[190] 2.105 2.740 do SSO 7[190] 1990 1999
Ariane 4 42L Шаблон:Подаци о застави Evropska Unija Aérospatiale 7.000[190] 3.480 4.500 do SSO 13[190] 1993 2002
Ariane 4 42P Шаблон:Подаци о застави Evropska Unija Aérospatiale 6.000[190] 2.930 3.400 do SSO 15[190] 1990 2002
Ariane 4 44L Шаблон:Подаци о застави Evropska Unija Aérospatiale 7.000[190] 4.720 6.000 do SSO 40[190] 1989 2003
Ariane 4 44LP Шаблон:Подаци о застави Evropska Unija Aérospatiale 7.000[190] 4.220 5.000 do SSO 26[190] 1988 2001
Ariane 4 44P Шаблон:Подаци о застави Evropska Unija Aérospatiale 6.500[190] 3.465 4.100 do SSO 15[190] 1991 2001
Ariane 5 G Шаблон:Подаци о застави Evropska Unija EADS Astrium 18.000[191] 6.900[191] 16[191] 1996 2003
Ariane 5 G+ Шаблон:Подаци о застави Evropska Unija EADS Astrium 7.100[191] 3[191] 2004 2004
Ariane 5 GS Шаблон:Подаци о застави Evropska Unija EADS Astrium 16.000[192] 6.600[191] 6[191] 2005 2009[193]
Ariane 5 ES Шаблон:Подаци о застави Evropska Unija EADS Astrium 21.000[7] 8.000[191] 8[191] 2008 2018
ASLV  Indija ISRO[194] 150[195] 4[195] 1987 1994
Athena I  SAD Lockheed Martin 795[196] 515 4[197] 1995 2001
Athena II  SAD Lockheed Martin 1.800[198] 3[199] 1998 1999[200]
Atlas-Centaur  SAD Lockheed 1.134[201] 2.222[202] 148 1962 1983
Atlas G  SAD Lockheed 5.900[203] 2.222 1,179 do HCO[203] 7[203] 1984 1989
Atlas H/MSD  SAD Lockheed 3.630[204] 5 1983 1987
Atlas I  SAD Lockheed Martin 5.900[203] 2.340[203] 11[203] 1990 1997
Atlas II  SAD Lockheed Martin 6.780[203] 2.810 2,000 do HCO[203] 10[203] 1991 1998
Atlas IIA  SAD Lockheed Martin 7.316[203] 3.180 2,160 do HCO[203] 23[203] 1992 2002
Atlas IIAS  SAD Lockheed Martin 8.618[203] 3.833 2,680 do HCO[203] 30[203] 1993 2004
Atlas IIIA  SAD Lockheed Martin 8.686[203] 4.060 2,970 do HCO[203] 2[203] 2000 2004
Atlas IIIB/DEC  SAD Lockheed Martin 10.759[203] 4.609[203] 1[203] 2002 2002
Atlas IIIB/SEC  SAD Lockheed Martin 10.218[205] 4.193[203] 3[203] 2003 2005
Atlas V 401  SAD ULA 9.050[9] 4,950 6,670 do SSO 41[9] 2002 2022
Atlas V 411  SAD ULA 9.050[9] 6,075 8,495 do SSO 6[9] 2006 2020
Atlas V 421  SAD ULA 9.050[9] 7,000 9,050 do SSO 9[9] 2007 2022
Atlas V 431  SAD ULA 9.050[9] 7,800 9,050 do SSO 3[9] 2005 2016
Atlas V 501  SAD ULA 8.250[9] 3,970 5,945 do SSO
1,500 do GEO
7[9] 2010 2020
Atlas V 511  SAD ULA 11,000[9] 5,250 7,820 do SSO
1,750 do GEO
1[206] 2022 2022
Atlas V 521  SAD ULA 13.300[9] 6,485 9,585 do SSO
2,760 do GEO
2[9] 2003 2004
Atlas V 531  SAD ULA 15.300[9] 7,425 11,160 do SSO
3,250 do GEO
5[9] 2010 2022
Atlas V 541  SAD ULA 17.100[9] 8,240 12,435 do SSO
3,730 do GEO
9[9] 2011 2022
Black Arrow  Velika Britanija RAE 73[207] 2 (+2) 1969[y] 1971
Commercial Titan III  SAD Martin Marietta 13.100[208] 4 1990 1992
Delta 0300  SAD McDonnell Douglas 340[209] 747 do SSO[210] 3[211] 1972 1973[212]
Delta 0900  SAD McDonnell Douglas 1.300[213] 818 do SSO[211] 2[211] 1972 1972
Delta 1410  SAD McDonnell Douglas 340[214] 1[211] 1975 1975
Delta 1604  SAD McDonnell Douglas 390[215] 2[211] 1972 1973
Delta 1900  SAD McDonnell Douglas 1.800[211] 1[211] 1973 1973
Delta 1910  SAD McDonnell Douglas 1.066[216] 1[211] 1975 1975
Delta 1913  SAD McDonnell Douglas 328[217] 1[211] 1973 1973
Delta 1914  SAD McDonnell Douglas 680[218] 2[211] 1972 1973
Delta 2310  SAD McDonnell Douglas 336[219] 3[211] 1974 1981
Delta 2313  SAD McDonnell Douglas 243 do GEO[220] 3[211] 1974 1977
Delta 2910  SAD McDonnell Douglas 1.887[211] 6[211] 1975 1978
Delta 2913  SAD McDonnell Douglas 2.000[221] 700[221] 6[211] 1975 1976
Delta 2914  SAD McDonnell Douglas 724[211] 30[211] 1974 1979
Delta 3910  SAD McDonnell Douglas 2.494[211] 1.154 with PAM-D 10[211] 1980 1988
Delta 3913  SAD McDonnell Douglas 816[222] 1[211] 1981 1981
Delta 3914  SAD McDonnell Douglas 954[211] 13[211] 1975 1987
Delta 3920  SAD McDonnell Douglas 3.452[211] 1.284 with PAM-D 10[211] 1982 1989
Delta 3924  SAD McDonnell Douglas 1.104[211] 4[211] 1982 1984
Delta 4925  SAD McDonnell Douglas 3.400[223] 1.312[211] 2[211] 1989 1990
Delta 5920  SAD McDonnell Douglas 3.848[224] 1[211] 1989 1989
Delta II 6920  SAD McDonnell Douglas 3.983[211] 3[211] 1990 1992
Delta II 6925  SAD McDonnell Douglas 1.447[211] 14[211] 1989 1992
Delta II 7320  SAD Boeing IDS / ULA 2.865[211] 1.651 do SSO 12[211] 1999 2015
Delta II 7326  SAD Boeing IDS 934[211] 636 do TLI
629 do HCO
3[211] 1998 2001
Delta II 7420  SAD ULA 3.185[211] 1.966 do SSO 14[211] 1998 2018
Delta II 7425  SAD Boeing IDS 1.100[211] 804 do HCO 4[211] 1998 2002
Delta II 7426  SAD Boeing IDS 1.058[211] 734 do TLI
711 do HCO
1[211] 1999 1999
Delta II 7920  SAD Boeing IDS / ULA 5.030[211] 3.123 do SSO 29[211] 1998 2017
Delta II 7925  SAD Boeing IDS / ULA 1.819[211] 1,177 do TLI
1,265 do HCO
69[211] 1990 2009
Delta II-H 7920H  SAD Boeing IDS / ULA 6.097[211] 3[211] 2003 2011
Delta II-H 7925H  SAD Boeing IDS / ULA 2.171 1,508 do HCO[211] 3[211] 2003 2007
Delta III 8930  SAD Boeing IDS 8.292[211] 3.810 3[211] 1998 2000
Delta IV M  SAD Boeing IDS 9.440[13] 4.440 7.690 do polar 3[14] 2003 2006
Delta IV M+(4,2)  SAD ULA 13.140[13] 6.390 10.250 do polar 14[14] 2002 2019
Delta IV M+(5,2)  SAD ULA 11.470[13] 5.490 9.600 do polar 3[14] 2012 2018
Delta IV M+(5,4)  SAD ULA 14.140[13] 7.300 11.600 do polar 8[14] 2009 2019
Diamant  Francuska SEREB 107[225][226] 12 1965 1975
Dnepr  Ukrajina Yuzhmash 3.700[227] 22[227] 1999 2015[228]
Energia[z]  SSSR NPO Energia 100.000[229] 20.000 do GEO[229]
32,000 do TLI[229]
1 (failed to orbit)[230] 1987 1987
Energia-Buran  SSSR NPO Energia (Launcher)
NPO Molniya (Orbiter)
30.000[229][aa] 1 1988 1988
Falcon 1  SAD SpaceX 470[231] 5[231] 2006 2009
Falcon 9 v1.0  SAD SpaceX 10,450[232] 4,540[232] 5[233] 2010 2013
Falcon 9 v1.1  SAD SpaceX 13,150[234][ab] 4,850[234] 15[233] 2013 2016
Feng Bao 1  Kina Shanghai Bureau No.2 2,500[235] 8 (+3)[236] 1972 1981
GSLV Mk.I(a)  Indija ISRO 5.000[35] 1.540[237] 1[237] 2001 2001
GSLV Mk.I(b)  Indija ISRO 5.000[35] 2.150[237] 4[237] 2003 2007
GSLV Mk.I(c)  Indija ISRO 5.000[35] 1[237] 2010 2010
H-I  Japan
Mitsubishi 1.400[238] 9 1986 1992
H-II / IIS  Japan Mitsubishi 10.060[239] 4.000[240] 7[240] 1994 1999
H-IIA 204  Japan Mitsubishi 5,950[42]:Lua error: Cannot create process: proc_open(/dev/null): failed to open stream: Operation not permitted 5[43] 2006 2021
H-IIA 2022  Japan Mitsubishi 4.500[43] 3[43] 2005 2007
H-IIA 2024  Japan Mitsubishi 11.000[241] 5.000[43] 7[43] 2002 2008
H-IIB  Japan Mitsubishi 16,500 (ISS)[139] 8,000 8[242] 2009 2020
J-I  Japan Nissan Motors[243] 1.000[244] 0 (+1) 1996 1996
Kaituozhe-1  Kina CALT 100[245] 2 2002 2003
Kosmos-3M  SSSR
NPO Polyot 1.500[246] 442[247] 1967 2010
Lambda 4S  Japan Nissan Motors[243] 26[248] 5 1966 1970
Long March 1  Kina CALT 300[249] 2[250] 1970 1971
Long March 1D  Kina CALT 740[251] 0 (+3)[250] 1995[ac] 2002
Long March 2A  Kina CALT 2.000[252] 4[59] 1974 1978
Long March 2E  Kina CALT 9.200[59] 7[59] 1990 1995
Long March 3  Kina CALT 5.000[61] 13[61] 1984 2000
Long March 3B  Kina CALT 11,200[60] 5,100 5,700 do SSO 12[61] 1996 2012
Long March 4A  Kina CALT 4.000 2[62] 1988 1990
M-V  Japan Nissan Motors[243] (1997–2000)
IHI Aerospace[17] (2000–2006)
1.850[248] 7 1997 2006
Molniya  SSSR RSC Energia 1.800[253] 40[254] 1960 1967
Molniya-M  SSSR
RSC Energia 2.400[255] 280[256] 1965 2010
Mu-3C  Japan Nissan Motors[243] 195[248] 4 1974 1979
Mu-3H  Japan Nissan Motors[243] 300[248] 3 1977 1978
Mu-3S  Japan Nissan Motors[243] 300[248] 4 1980 1984
Mu-3SII  Japan Nissan Motors[243] 770[248] 8 1985 1995
Mu-4S  Japan Nissan Motors[243] 180[248] 4 1971 1972
N1  SSSR NPO Energia 95.000[257][258][259][ad] 4[260] (never reached orbit) 1969 1972
N-I  Japan
Mitsubishi 1.200[261] 7 1975 1982
N-II  Japan
Mitsubishi 2.000[262] 8 1981 1987
Naro-1  Južna Koreja
KARI/Khrunichev 100[263] 3 2009 2013
NOTS-EV-1 Pilot  SAD United States Navy 105[264] 10 1958 1958
Paektusan  Severna Koreja KCST 700[265] 0 (+1) 1998 1998
Polyot  SSSR RSC Energia 1.400 2 1963 1964
Proton-K  SSSR
Khrunichev 19.760[266] 4.930[267] 311[268] 1965 2012
PSLV-G  Indija ISRO 3.200[95] 1.050 1.600 do SSO 12[95] 1993 2016[269]
Rocket 3  SAD Astra 100[270] 150 do SSO 7[271] 2020[270] 2022
Rokot  Rusija Khrunichev 1.950[272] 1.200 do SSO 34[272] 1990 2019
Safir  Iran Iranian Space Agency 65[273] 7[273][ae] 2008 2019
Saturn I  SAD Chrysler (S-I)
Douglas (S-IV)
9.000[274] 10[275] 1961 1965[275]
Saturn IB  SAD Chrysler (S-IB)
Douglas (S-IVB)
18.600[276] 9[277] 1966 1975
Saturn V  SAD Boeing (S-IC)
North American (S-II)
Douglas (S-IVB)
140.000[278][279] 47.000 do TLI[280] 13[281][282][af] 1967 1973
Scout  SAD US Air Force/NASA 174[283] 125 1961 1994
Shtil'  Rusija Makeyev 280–420[284] 2[285] 1998 2006
SLV  Indija ISRO 40[286] 4[286] 1979 1983[286]
Soyuz  SSSR RSC Energia 6.450 31[287] 1966 1976
Soyuz-FG  Rusija TsSKB-Progress 6.900[288] 70[102][289] 2001 2019
Soyuz-L  SSSR RSC Energia 5.500 3[290] 1970 1971
Soyuz-M  SSSR RSC Energia 6.600 8[291] 1971 1976
Soyuz ST-A  Rusija
Шаблон:Подаци о застави Evropska Unija
7.800 from Kourou[292] 2.810 with Fregat[293] 9[102] 2011 2021
Soyuz ST-B  Rusija
Шаблон:Подаци о застави Evropska Unija
9.000 from Kourou[294] 3.250 with Fregat[293] 4.400 do SSO[295] 18[102] 2011 2022
Soyuz-U  SSSR
TsSKB-Progress 6.650 from Baikonour[296]
6.150 from Plesetsk[296]
786[102][103][297] 1973 2017
Soyuz-U2  SSSR
TsSKB-Progress 7.050 72[298] 1982 1995
Space Shuttle  SAD ATK (SRBs)
Martin Marietta (External tank)
Rockwell (Orbiter)
3.550 to escape with IUS[299] 135[301] 1981 2011
Sputnik 8K71PS  SSSR RSC Energia 500[302] 2 1957 1957
Sputnik 8A91  SSSR RSC Energia 1.327 2 1958 1958
Start-1  Rusija MITT 532 350 do SSO[303] 5[304] 1993 2006
Strela  Rusija Khrunichev 1.400[305] 3[306] 2003 2014
Titan II GLV  SAD Martin Marietta 3.600[307] 11 (+1) 1964 1966
Titan II(23)G  SAD Martin Marietta 3.600[308] 13 1988 2003
Titan IIIA  SAD Martin Marietta 3.100[309] 4 1964 1965
Titan IIIB  SAD Martin Marietta 3.000[310] 70 1966 1987
Titan IIIC  SAD Martin Marietta 13.100[311] 36 1965 1982
Titan IIID  SAD Martin Marietta 12.300[312] 22 1971 1982
Titan IIIE  SAD Martin Marietta 15.400[313] 7 1974 1977
Titan 34D  SAD Martin Marietta 4.515[314] 15 1982 1989
Titan IVA  SAD Martin Marietta 17.110[315] 4,944 with IUS
  • 14,090 do SSO[315]
  • 4,536 do GSO with Centaur
  • 3,550 to escape with IUS
22[316] 1989 1998
Titan IVB  SAD Lockheed Martin 21,682[317] 5,761[317]
(9,000 with upper stage)
17[316] 1997 2005
Tsyklon-2A  SSSR Yuzhmash 3.350[318] 8[319] 1967 1969
Tsyklon-2  SSSR
Yuzhmash 2.820[320] 106[321] 1969 2006[321]
Tsyklon-3  SSSR
Yuzhmash 1.920[322] 122[323] 1977 2009[323]
Vanguard  SAD Martin 9[324] 11 (+1) 1957 1959
VLS-1  Brazil AEB, IAE 380[325] 2[ag] (never reached orbit) 1997 2003
Volna  Rusija Makeyev 100[326] 1 (+5)[285] 1995[ah] 2005[285]
Voskhod  SSSR RSC Energia 6.000[327] 306 1963 1976
Vostok-L  SSSR RSC Energia 390 do TLI[328] 4 1960 1960
Vostok-K  SSSR RSC Energia 2.460[329] 16 1960 1964
Vostok-2  SSSR RSC Energia 4.730[329] 45 1962 1967
Vostok-2M  SSSR RSC Energia 1.300[330] 93 1964 1991
Soyuz/Vostok  SSSR RSC Energia 6.000[331] 2 1965 1966
Zenit-2  SSSR
Yuzhnoye 13.740[332] 36[333] 1985 2004[334]
Zenit-2M / 2SLB  Ukrajina Yuzhnoye 13.920[332] 2[333] 2007 2011
Zenit-3F  Ukrajina Yuzhnoye 1.740 do GEO[335] 4[336] 2011 2017
Zenit-3SL  Ukrajina Yuzhmash
RSC Energia
7.000[336] 6.160 36[336] 1999 2014
Zenit-3SLB / 3M  Ukrajina Yuzhmash
RSC Energia
3.750[336] 6[336] 2008 2013
Zhuque-1  Kina LandSpace 300[337] 200 do SSO 1[338] 2018[338] 2018

Lua error: Cannot create process: proc_open(/dev/null): failed to open stream: Operation not permitted

Vidi još




  1. Postoji mnogo različitih metoda. Svaka metoda ima nedostatke i prednosti, a pogon svemirskih letelica je aktivna oblast istraživanja. Međutim, većina svemirskih letelica danas se pokreće potiskivanjem gasa iz zadnjeg dela vozila veoma velikom brzinom kroz supersoničnu de Lavalovu mlaznicu. Ova vrsta motora se zove raketni motor.
  2. Prve srednjovekovne rakete bile su rakete na čvrsto gorivo koje su pokretane barutom; koristili su ih Kinezi, Indijci, Mongoli i Arapi, u ratovanju još u 13. veku.
  3. Kao što su raketa Pegaz i SpaceShipOne.
  4. Većina satelita ima jednostavne pouzdane hemijske potisnike (često rakete sa jednim stepenom) ili otporne rakete za održavanje orbitalne stanice i za kretanje za kontrolu položaja. Sateliti sovjetskog bloka decenijama koriste električni pogon, a novije zapadne geo-orbitalne svemirske letelice počinju da ih koriste za održavanje stanica sever-jug i podizanje satelita u više slojeve orbite. Međuplanetarna vozila uglavnom koriste i hemijske rakete, iako je nekoliko njih koristilo jonske potisnike i potisnike sa Holovim efektom (dva različita tipa električnog pogona).
  5. Lua error: Cannot create process: proc_open(/dev/null): failed to open stream: Operation not permitted
  6. Lua error: Cannot create process: proc_open(/dev/null): failed to open stream: Operation not permitted


  1. Lua error: Cannot create process: proc_open(/dev/null): failed to open stream: Operation not permitted
  2. Врати се на: 2,0 2,1 2,2 Lua error: Cannot create process: proc_open(/dev/null): failed to open stream: Operation not permitted
  3. Lua error: Cannot create process: proc_open(/dev/null): failed to open stream: Operation not permitted
  4. Lua error: Cannot create process: proc_open(/dev/null): failed to open stream: Operation not permitted
  5. Врати се на: 5,0 5,1 5,2 Lua error: Cannot create process: proc_open(/dev/null): failed to open stream: Operation not permitted
  6. Lua error: Cannot create process: proc_open(/dev/null): failed to open stream: Operation not permitted
  7. Врати се на: 7,0 7,1 Lua error: Cannot create process: proc_open(/dev/null): failed to open stream: Operation not permitted
  8. Lua error: Cannot create process: proc_open(/dev/null): failed to open stream: Operation not permitted
  9. Врати се на: 9,00 9,01 9,02 9,03 9,04 9,05 9,06 9,07 9,08 9,09 9,10 9,11 9,12 9,13 9,14 9,15 9,16 9,17 9,18 Lua error: Cannot create process: proc_open(/dev/null): failed to open stream: Operation not permitted
  10. Lua error: Cannot create process: proc_open(/dev/null): failed to open stream: Operation not permitted
  11. Lua error: Cannot create process: proc_open(/dev/null): failed to open stream: Operation not permitted
  12. Lua error: Cannot create process: proc_open(/dev/null): failed to open stream: Operation not permitted
  13. Врати се на: 13,0 13,1 13,2 13,3 13,4 Lua error: Cannot create process: proc_open(/dev/null): failed to open stream: Operation not permitted
  14. Врати се на: 14,0 14,1 14,2 14,3 14,4 Lua error: Cannot create process: proc_open(/dev/null): failed to open stream: Operation not permitted
  15. Врати се на: 15,0 15,1 Lua error: Cannot create process: proc_open(/dev/null): failed to open stream: Operation not permitted
  16. Lua error: Cannot create process: proc_open(/dev/null): failed to open stream: Operation not permitted
  17. Врати се на: 17,0 17,1 Lua error: Cannot create process: proc_open(/dev/null): failed to open stream: Operation not permitted
  18. Lua error: Cannot create process: proc_open(/dev/null): failed to open stream: Operation not permitted
  19. Lua error: Cannot create process: proc_open(/dev/null): failed to open stream: Operation not permitted
  20. Lua error: Cannot create process: proc_open(/dev/null): failed to open stream: Operation not permitted
  21. Врати се на: 21,0 21,1 21,2 21,3 Lua error: Cannot create process: proc_open(/dev/null): failed to open stream: Operation not permitted
  22. Врати се на: 22,0 22,1 Lua error: Cannot create process: proc_open(/dev/null): failed to open stream: Operation not permitted
  23. Lua error: Cannot create process: proc_open(/dev/null): failed to open stream: Operation not permitted
  24. Lua error: Cannot create process: proc_open(/dev/null): failed to open stream: Operation not permitted
  25. Lua error: Cannot create process: proc_open(/dev/null): failed to open stream: Operation not permitted
  26. Lua error: Cannot create process: proc_open(/dev/null): failed to open stream: Operation not permitted
  27. Lua error: Cannot create process: proc_open(/dev/null): failed to open stream: Operation not permitted
  28. Lua error: Cannot create process: proc_open(/dev/null): failed to open stream: Operation not permitted
  29. Either 2 or 3 boosters recoverable
  30. Шаблон:Cite video
  31. Lua error: Cannot create process: proc_open(/dev/null): failed to open stream: Operation not permitted
  32. Lua error: Cannot create process: proc_open(/dev/null): failed to open stream: Operation not permitted
  33. Lua error: Cannot create process: proc_open(/dev/null): failed to open stream: Operation not permitted
  34. Врати се на: 34,0 34,1 34,2 Lua error: Cannot create process: proc_open(/dev/null): failed to open stream: Operation not permitted
  35. Врати се на: 35,0 35,1 35,2 35,3 Lua error: Cannot create process: proc_open(/dev/null): failed to open stream: Operation not permitted
  36. Lua error: Cannot create process: proc_open(/dev/null): failed to open stream: Operation not permitted
  37. Врати се на: 37,0 37,1 Lua error: Cannot create process: proc_open(/dev/null): failed to open stream: Operation not permitted
  38. Lua error: Cannot create process: proc_open(/dev/null): failed to open stream: Operation not permitted
  39. Lua error: Cannot create process: proc_open(/dev/null): failed to open stream: Operation not permitted
  40. Lua error: Cannot create process: proc_open(/dev/null): failed to open stream: Operation not permitted
  41. Lua error: Cannot create process: proc_open(/dev/null): failed to open stream: Operation not permitted
  42. Врати се на: 42,0 42,1 42,2 42,3 42,4 Lua error: Cannot create process: proc_open(/dev/null): failed to open stream: Operation not permitted
  43. Врати се на: 43,0 43,1 43,2 43,3 43,4 43,5 Lua error: Cannot create process: proc_open(/dev/null): failed to open stream: Operation not permitted
  44. Врати се на: 44,0 44,1 44,2 Lua error: Cannot create process: proc_open(/dev/null): failed to open stream: Operation not permitted
  45. Lua error: Cannot create process: proc_open(/dev/null): failed to open stream: Operation not permitted
  46. Lua error: Cannot create process: proc_open(/dev/null): failed to open stream: Operation not permitted
  47. Врати се на: 47,0 47,1 Lua error: Cannot create process: proc_open(/dev/null): failed to open stream: Operation not permitted
  48. Lua error: Cannot create process: proc_open(/dev/null): failed to open stream: Operation not permitted
  49. Врати се на: 49,0 49,1 Lua error: Cannot create process: proc_open(/dev/null): failed to open stream: Operation not permitted
  50. Врати се на: 50,0 50,1 Lua error: Cannot create process: proc_open(/dev/null): failed to open stream: Operation not permitted
  51. Lua error: Cannot create process: proc_open(/dev/null): failed to open stream: Operation not permitted
  52. Врати се на: 52,0 52,1 Lua error: Cannot create process: proc_open(/dev/null): failed to open stream: Operation not permitted
  53. Lua error: Cannot create process: proc_open(/dev/null): failed to open stream: Operation not permitted
  54. Lua error: Cannot create process: proc_open(/dev/null): failed to open stream: Operation not permitted
  55. Lua error: Cannot create process: proc_open(/dev/null): failed to open stream: Operation not permitted
  56. Врати се на: 56,0 56,1 Lua error: Cannot create process: proc_open(/dev/null): failed to open stream: Operation not permitted
  57. Lua error: Cannot create process: proc_open(/dev/null): failed to open stream: Operation not permitted
  58. Lua error: Cannot create process: proc_open(/dev/null): failed to open stream: Operation not permitted
  59. Врати се на: 59,0 59,1 59,2 59,3 59,4 59,5 Lua error: Cannot create process: proc_open(/dev/null): failed to open stream: Operation not permitted
  60. Врати се на: 60,0 60,1 60,2 60,3 Lua error: Cannot create process: proc_open(/dev/null): failed to open stream: Operation not permitted
  61. Врати се на: 61,0 61,1 61,2 61,3 61,4 61,5 Lua error: Cannot create process: proc_open(/dev/null): failed to open stream: Operation not permitted
  62. Врати се на: 62,0 62,1 62,2 62,3 Lua error: Cannot create process: proc_open(/dev/null): failed to open stream: Operation not permitted
  63. Lua error: Cannot create process: proc_open(/dev/null): failed to open stream: Operation not permitted
  64. Врати се на: 64,0 64,1 64,2 Lua error: Cannot create process: proc_open(/dev/null): failed to open stream: Operation not permitted
  65. Врати се на: 65,0 65,1 65,2 65,3 Lua error: Cannot create process: proc_open(/dev/null): failed to open stream: Operation not permitted
  66. Врати се на: 66,0 66,1 Lua error: Cannot create process: proc_open(/dev/null): failed to open stream: Operation not permitted
  67. Lua error: Cannot create process: proc_open(/dev/null): failed to open stream: Operation not permitted
  68. Врати се на: 68,0 68,1 Lua error: Cannot create process: proc_open(/dev/null): failed to open stream: Operation not permitted
  69. Lua error: Cannot create process: proc_open(/dev/null): failed to open stream: Operation not permitted
  70. Lua error: Cannot create process: proc_open(/dev/null): failed to open stream: Operation not permitted
  71. Врати се на: 71,0 71,1 Lua error: Cannot create process: proc_open(/dev/null): failed to open stream: Operation not permitted
  72. Lua error: Cannot create process: proc_open(/dev/null): failed to open stream: Operation not permitted
  73. Lua error: Cannot create process: proc_open(/dev/null): failed to open stream: Operation not permitted
  74. Lua error: Cannot create process: proc_open(/dev/null): failed to open stream: Operation not permitted
  75. Lua error: Cannot create process: proc_open(/dev/null): failed to open stream: Operation not permitted
  76. Lua error: Cannot create process: proc_open(/dev/null): failed to open stream: Operation not permitted
  77. Lua error: Cannot create process: proc_open(/dev/null): failed to open stream: Operation not permitted
  78. Lua error: Cannot create process: proc_open(/dev/null): failed to open stream: Operation not permitted
  79. Врати се на: 79,0 79,1 79,2 79,3 Lua error: Cannot create process: proc_open(/dev/null): failed to open stream: Operation not permitted
  80. Lua error: Cannot create process: proc_open(/dev/null): failed to open stream: Operation not permitted
  81. Lua error: Cannot create process: proc_open(/dev/null): failed to open stream: Operation not permitted
  82. Lua error: Cannot create process: proc_open(/dev/null): failed to open stream: Operation not permitted
  83. Lua error: Cannot create process: proc_open(/dev/null): failed to open stream: Operation not permitted
  84. Врати се на: 84,0 84,1 Lua error: Cannot create process: proc_open(/dev/null): failed to open stream: Operation not permitted
  85. Врати се на: 85,0 85,1 Lua error: Cannot create process: proc_open(/dev/null): failed to open stream: Operation not permitted
  86. Lua error: Cannot create process: proc_open(/dev/null): failed to open stream: Operation not permitted
  87. Lua error: Cannot create process: proc_open(/dev/null): failed to open stream: Operation not permitted
  88. Врати се на: 88,0 88,1 Lua error: Cannot create process: proc_open(/dev/null): failed to open stream: Operation not permitted
  89. Lua error: Cannot create process: proc_open(/dev/null): failed to open stream: Operation not permitted
  90. Lua error: Cannot create process: proc_open(/dev/null): failed to open stream: Operation not permitted
  91. Lua error: Cannot create process: proc_open(/dev/null): failed to open stream: Operation not permitted
  92. Lua error: Cannot create process: proc_open(/dev/null): failed to open stream: Operation not permitted
  93. Lua error: Cannot create process: proc_open(/dev/null): failed to open stream: Operation not permitted
  94. Lua error: Cannot create process: proc_open(/dev/null): failed to open stream: Operation not permitted
  95. Врати се на: 95,0 95,1 95,2 95,3 95,4 95,5 95,6 95,7 Lua error: Cannot create process: proc_open(/dev/null): failed to open stream: Operation not permitted
  96. Lua error: Cannot create process: proc_open(/dev/null): failed to open stream: Operation not permitted
  97. Lua error: Cannot create process: proc_open(/dev/null): failed to open stream: Operation not permitted
  98. Lua error: Cannot create process: proc_open(/dev/null): failed to open stream: Operation not permitted
  99. Врати се на: 99,0 99,1 99,2 Lua error: Cannot create process: proc_open(/dev/null): failed to open stream: Operation not permitted
  100. Врати се на: 100,0 100,1 Lua error: Cannot create process: proc_open(/dev/null): failed to open stream: Operation not permitted
  101. Врати се на: 101,0 101,1 Lua error: Cannot create process: proc_open(/dev/null): failed to open stream: Operation not permitted
  102. Врати се на: 102,0 102,1 102,2 102,3 102,4 102,5 Lua error: Cannot create process: proc_open(/dev/null): failed to open stream: Operation not permitted
  103. Врати се на: 103,0 103,1 Lua error: Cannot create process: proc_open(/dev/null): failed to open stream: Operation not permitted
  104. Lua error: Cannot create process: proc_open(/dev/null): failed to open stream: Operation not permitted
  105. Lua error: Cannot create process: proc_open(/dev/null): failed to open stream: Operation not permitted
  106. Врати се на: 106,0 106,1 Lua error: Cannot create process: proc_open(/dev/null): failed to open stream: Operation not permitted
  107. Harbaugh, Jennifer (9 July 2018). "The Great Escape: SLS Provides Power for Missions to the Moon". NASA. Archived from the original on 11 December 2019. Retrieved 16 November 2022. Public Domain This article incorporates text from this source, which is in the public domain.
  108. [1] (PDF). 20 August 2018. Archived (PDF) from the original on 7 August 2020. Retrieved 16 November 2022. Public Domain This article incorporates text from this source, which is in the public domain.
  109. https://www.theguardian.com/science/live/2022/nov/16/artemis-1-nasa-rocket-launch-moon-mission-space-live-updates
  110. Врати се на: 110,0 110,1 Lua error: Cannot create process: proc_open(/dev/null): failed to open stream: Operation not permitted
  111. Lua error: Cannot create process: proc_open(/dev/null): failed to open stream: Operation not permitted
  112. Lua error: Cannot create process: proc_open(/dev/null): failed to open stream: Operation not permitted
  113. Lua error: Cannot create process: proc_open(/dev/null): failed to open stream: Operation not permitted
  114. Lua error: Cannot create process: proc_open(/dev/null): failed to open stream: Operation not permitted
  115. Lua error: Cannot create process: proc_open(/dev/null): failed to open stream: Operation not permitted
  116. Врати се на: 116,0 116,1 Lua error: Cannot create process: proc_open(/dev/null): failed to open stream: Operation not permitted
  117. Lua error: Cannot create process: proc_open(/dev/null): failed to open stream: Operation not permitted
  118. Lua error: Cannot create process: proc_open(/dev/null): failed to open stream: Operation not permitted
  119. Lua error: Cannot create process: proc_open(/dev/null): failed to open stream: Operation not permitted
  120. Lua error: Cannot create process: proc_open(/dev/null): failed to open stream: Operation not permitted
  121. Lua error: Cannot create process: proc_open(/dev/null): failed to open stream: Operation not permitted
  122. Lua error: Cannot create process: proc_open(/dev/null): failed to open stream: Operation not permitted
  123. Lua error: Cannot create process: proc_open(/dev/null): failed to open stream: Operation not permitted
  124. Lua error: Cannot create process: proc_open(/dev/null): failed to open stream: Operation not permitted
  125. Врати се на: 125,0 125,1 Lua error: Cannot create process: proc_open(/dev/null): failed to open stream: Operation not permitted
  126. Lua error: Cannot create process: proc_open(/dev/null): failed to open stream: Operation not permitted
  127. Врати се на: 127,0 127,1 127,2 127,3 127,4 127,5 Lua error: Cannot create process: proc_open(/dev/null): failed to open stream: Operation not permitted
  128. Lua error: Cannot create process: proc_open(/dev/null): failed to open stream: Operation not permitted
  129. Lua error: Cannot create process: proc_open(/dev/null): failed to open stream: Operation not permitted
  130. Врати се на: 130,0 130,1 Lua error: Cannot create process: proc_open(/dev/null): failed to open stream: Operation not permitted
  131. Lua error: Cannot create process: proc_open(/dev/null): failed to open stream: Operation not permitted
  132. Врати се на: 132,0 132,1 Lua error: Cannot create process: proc_open(/dev/null): failed to open stream: Operation not permitted
  133. Lua error: Cannot create process: proc_open(/dev/null): failed to open stream: Operation not permitted
  134. Lua error: Cannot create process: proc_open(/dev/null): failed to open stream: Operation not permitted
  135. Lua error: Cannot create process: proc_open(/dev/null): failed to open stream: Operation not permitted
  136. Lua error: Cannot create process: proc_open(/dev/null): failed to open stream: Operation not permitted
  137. Lua error: Cannot create process: proc_open(/dev/null): failed to open stream: Operation not permitted
  138. Only the X00 version of the H3 is intended for LEO launches.Lua error: Cannot create process: proc_open(/dev/null): failed to open stream: Operation not permitted The higher capability X02 and X03 variants could presumably launch significantly more payload to LEO, but are not specified for this mission. Space Launch Report: H3 Data Sheet, retrieved 20 Feb. 2019/
  139. Врати се на: 139,0 139,1 Lua error: Cannot create process: proc_open(/dev/null): failed to open stream: Operation not permitted
  140. Lua error: Cannot create process: proc_open(/dev/null): failed to open stream: Operation not permitted
  141. Lua error: Cannot create process: proc_open(/dev/null): failed to open stream: Operation not permitted
  142. Lua error: Cannot create process: proc_open(/dev/null): failed to open stream: Operation not permitted
  143. Врати се на: 143,0 143,1 Lua error: Cannot create process: proc_open(/dev/null): failed to open stream: Operation not permitted
  144. Lua error: Cannot create process: proc_open(/dev/null): failed to open stream: Operation not permitted
  145. Lua error: Cannot create process: proc_open(/dev/null): failed to open stream: Operation not permitted
  146. Врати се на: 146,0 146,1 Lua error: Cannot create process: proc_open(/dev/null): failed to open stream: Operation not permitted
  147. Lua error: Cannot create process: proc_open(/dev/null): failed to open stream: Operation not permitted
  148. Lua error: Cannot create process: proc_open(/dev/null): failed to open stream: Operation not permitted
  149. Lua error: Cannot create process: proc_open(/dev/null): failed to open stream: Operation not permitted
  150. Lua error: Cannot create process: proc_open(/dev/null): failed to open stream: Operation not permitted
  151. Врати се на: 151,0 151,1 Lua error: Cannot create process: proc_open(/dev/null): failed to open stream: Operation not permitted
  152. Lua error: Cannot create process: proc_open(/dev/null): failed to open stream: Operation not permitted
  153. Lua error: Cannot create process: proc_open(/dev/null): failed to open stream: Operation not permitted
  154. Lua error: Cannot create process: proc_open(/dev/null): failed to open stream: Operation not permitted
  155. Lua error: Cannot create process: proc_open(/dev/null): failed to open stream: Operation not permitted
  156. Lua error: Cannot create process: proc_open(/dev/null): failed to open stream: Operation not permitted
  157. Врати се на: 157,0 157,1 Lua error: Cannot create process: proc_open(/dev/null): failed to open stream: Operation not permitted
  158. Врати се на: 158,0 158,1 Lua error: Cannot create process: proc_open(/dev/null): failed to open stream: Operation not permitted
  159. Lua error: Cannot create process: proc_open(/dev/null): failed to open stream: Operation not permitted
  160. Lua error: Cannot create process: proc_open(/dev/null): failed to open stream: Operation not permitted
  161. Врати се на: 161,0 161,1 Lua error: Cannot create process: proc_open(/dev/null): failed to open stream: Operation not permitted
  162. Lua error: Cannot create process: proc_open(/dev/null): failed to open stream: Operation not permitted
  163. Lua error: Cannot create process: proc_open(/dev/null): failed to open stream: Operation not permitted
  164. Lua error: Cannot create process: proc_open(/dev/null): failed to open stream: Operation not permitted
  165. Врати се на: 165,0 165,1 Lua error: Cannot create process: proc_open(/dev/null): failed to open stream: Operation not permitted
  166. Lua error: Cannot create process: proc_open(/dev/null): failed to open stream: Operation not permitted
  167. Lua error: Cannot create process: proc_open(/dev/null): failed to open stream: Operation not permitted
  168. Врати се на: 168,0 168,1 Lua error: Cannot create process: proc_open(/dev/null): failed to open stream: Operation not permitted
  169. Врати се на: 169,0 169,1 169,2 169,3 169,4 169,5 169,6 Lua error: Cannot create process: proc_open(/dev/null): failed to open stream: Operation not permitted
  170. Lua error: Cannot create process: proc_open(/dev/null): failed to open stream: Operation not permitted
  171. Lua error: Cannot create process: proc_open(/dev/null): failed to open stream: Operation not permitted
  172. Lua error: Cannot create process: proc_open(/dev/null): failed to open stream: Operation not permitted
  173. Врати се на: 173,0 173,1 173,2 Lua error: Cannot create process: proc_open(/dev/null): failed to open stream: Operation not permitted
  174. Lua error: Cannot create process: proc_open(/dev/null): failed to open stream: Operation not permitted
  175. Lua error: Cannot create process: proc_open(/dev/null): failed to open stream: Operation not permitted
  176. Врати се на: 176,0 176,1 176,2 Lua error: Cannot create process: proc_open(/dev/null): failed to open stream: Operation not permitted
  177. Lua error: Cannot create process: proc_open(/dev/null): failed to open stream: Operation not permitted
  178. Lua error: Cannot create process: proc_open(/dev/null): failed to open stream: Operation not permitted
  179. Врати се на: 179,0 179,1 179,2 Lua error: Cannot create process: proc_open(/dev/null): failed to open stream: Operation not permitted
  180. Lua error: Cannot create process: proc_open(/dev/null): failed to open stream: Operation not permitted
  181. Lua error: Cannot create process: proc_open(/dev/null): failed to open stream: Operation not permitted
  182. Lua error: Cannot create process: proc_open(/dev/null): failed to open stream: Operation not permitted
  183. Lua error: Cannot create process: proc_open(/dev/null): failed to open stream: Operation not permitted
  184. Врати се на: 184,0 184,1 Lua error: Cannot create process: proc_open(/dev/null): failed to open stream: Operation not permitted
  185. Lua error: Cannot create process: proc_open(/dev/null): failed to open stream: Operation not permitted
  186. Lua error: Cannot create process: proc_open(/dev/null): failed to open stream: Operation not permitted
  187. Lua error: Cannot create process: proc_open(/dev/null): failed to open stream: Operation not permitted
  188. Lua error: Cannot create process: proc_open(/dev/null): failed to open stream: Operation not permitted
  189. Lua error: Cannot create process: proc_open(/dev/null): failed to open stream: Operation not permitted
  190. Врати се на: 190,00 190,01 190,02 190,03 190,04 190,05 190,06 190,07 190,08 190,09 190,10 190,11 190,12 190,13 190,14 190,15 190,16 190,17 Lua error: Cannot create process: proc_open(/dev/null): failed to open stream: Operation not permitted
  191. Врати се на: 191,0 191,1 191,2 191,3 191,4 191,5 191,6 191,7 191,8 Lua error: Cannot create process: proc_open(/dev/null): failed to open stream: Operation not permitted
  192. Lua error: Cannot create process: proc_open(/dev/null): failed to open stream: Operation not permitted
  193. Lua error: Cannot create process: proc_open(/dev/null): failed to open stream: Operation not permitted
  194. Lua error: Cannot create process: proc_open(/dev/null): failed to open stream: Operation not permitted
  195. Врати се на: 195,0 195,1 Lua error: Cannot create process: proc_open(/dev/null): failed to open stream: Operation not permitted
  196. Lua error: Cannot create process: proc_open(/dev/null): failed to open stream: Operation not permitted
  197. Lua error: Cannot create process: proc_open(/dev/null): failed to open stream: Operation not permitted
  198. NASA, Athena Mission Planner’s Guide 26 August 2012
  199. Lua error: Cannot create process: proc_open(/dev/null): failed to open stream: Operation not permitted
  200. Lua error: Cannot create process: proc_open(/dev/null): failed to open stream: Operation not permitted
  201. Lua error: Cannot create process: proc_open(/dev/null): failed to open stream: Operation not permitted
  202. Lua error: Cannot create process: proc_open(/dev/null): failed to open stream: Operation not permitted
  203. Врати се на: 203,00 203,01 203,02 203,03 203,04 203,05 203,06 203,07 203,08 203,09 203,10 203,11 203,12 203,13 203,14 203,15 203,16 203,17 203,18 203,19 203,20 203,21 203,22 Lua error: Cannot create process: proc_open(/dev/null): failed to open stream: Operation not permitted
  204. astronautix.com, Atlas H
  205. astronautix.com, Atlas IIIB Lua error: Cannot create process: proc_open(/dev/null): failed to open stream: Operation not permitted
  206. Lua error: Cannot create process: proc_open(/dev/null): failed to open stream: Operation not permitted
  207. Encyclopedia Astronautica, Black Arrow Lua error: Cannot create process: proc_open(/dev/null): failed to open stream: Operation not permitted
  208. astronautix.com, Titan III Lua error: Cannot create process: proc_open(/dev/null): failed to open stream: Operation not permitted
  209. Lua error: Cannot create process: proc_open(/dev/null): failed to open stream: Operation not permitted
  210. Lua error: Cannot create process: proc_open(/dev/null): failed to open stream: Operation not permitted
  211. Врати се на: 211,00 211,01 211,02 211,03 211,04 211,05 211,06 211,07 211,08 211,09 211,10 211,11 211,12 211,13 211,14 211,15 211,16 211,17 211,18 211,19 211,20 211,21 211,22 211,23 211,24 211,25 211,26 211,27 211,28 211,29 211,30 211,31 211,32 211,33 211,34 211,35 211,36 211,37 211,38 211,39 211,40 211,41 211,42 211,43 211,44 211,45 211,46 211,47 211,48 211,49 211,50 211,51 211,52 Lua error: Cannot create process: proc_open(/dev/null): failed to open stream: Operation not permitted
  212. Lua error: Cannot create process: proc_open(/dev/null): failed to open stream: Operation not permitted
  213. Lua error: Cannot create process: proc_open(/dev/null): failed to open stream: Operation not permitted
  214. Lua error: Cannot create process: proc_open(/dev/null): failed to open stream: Operation not permitted
  215. Lua error: Cannot create process: proc_open(/dev/null): failed to open stream: Operation not permitted
  216. Lua error: Cannot create process: proc_open(/dev/null): failed to open stream: Operation not permitted
  217. Lua error: Cannot create process: proc_open(/dev/null): failed to open stream: Operation not permitted
  218. Lua error: Cannot create process: proc_open(/dev/null): failed to open stream: Operation not permitted
  219. Lua error: Cannot create process: proc_open(/dev/null): failed to open stream: Operation not permitted
  220. Lua error: Cannot create process: proc_open(/dev/null): failed to open stream: Operation not permitted
  221. Врати се на: 221,0 221,1 Lua error: Cannot create process: proc_open(/dev/null): failed to open stream: Operation not permitted
  222. Lua error: Cannot create process: proc_open(/dev/null): failed to open stream: Operation not permitted
  223. Lua error: Cannot create process: proc_open(/dev/null): failed to open stream: Operation not permitted
  224. Lua error: Cannot create process: proc_open(/dev/null): failed to open stream: Operation not permitted
  225. Lua error: Cannot create process: proc_open(/dev/null): failed to open stream: Operation not permitted
  226. Space Skyrocket, Diamant, retrieved 19 December 2015
  227. Врати се на: 227,0 227,1 Lua error: Cannot create process: proc_open(/dev/null): failed to open stream: Operation not permitted
  228. Lua error: Cannot create process: proc_open(/dev/null): failed to open stream: Operation not permitted
  229. Врати се на: 229,0 229,1 229,2 229,3 Lua error: Cannot create process: proc_open(/dev/null): failed to open stream: Operation not permitted
  230. Lua error: Cannot create process: proc_open(/dev/null): failed to open stream: Operation not permitted
  231. Врати се на: 231,0 231,1 Lua error: Cannot create process: proc_open(/dev/null): failed to open stream: Operation not permitted
  232. Врати се на: 232,0 232,1 Lua error: Cannot create process: proc_open(/dev/null): failed to open stream: Operation not permitted
  233. Врати се на: 233,0 233,1 Lua error: Cannot create process: proc_open(/dev/null): failed to open stream: Operation not permitted
  234. Врати се на: 234,0 234,1 Lua error: Cannot create process: proc_open(/dev/null): failed to open stream: Operation not permitted
  235. Feng Bao 1, part of CZ family
  236. Lua error: Cannot create process: proc_open(/dev/null): failed to open stream: Operation not permitted
  237. Врати се на: 237,0 237,1 237,2 237,3 237,4 Lua error: Cannot create process: proc_open(/dev/null): failed to open stream: Operation not permitted
  238. Lua error: Cannot create process: proc_open(/dev/null): failed to open stream: Operation not permitted
  239. astronautix.com, H-2 Lua error: Cannot create process: proc_open(/dev/null): failed to open stream: Operation not permitted
  240. Врати се на: 240,0 240,1 Lua error: Cannot create process: proc_open(/dev/null): failed to open stream: Operation not permitted
  241. astronautix.com H-IIA 2024 Lua error: Cannot create process: proc_open(/dev/null): failed to open stream: Operation not permitted
  242. Lua error: Cannot create process: proc_open(/dev/null): failed to open stream: Operation not permitted
  243. Врати се на: 243,0 243,1 243,2 243,3 243,4 243,5 243,6 243,7 Lua error: Cannot create process: proc_open(/dev/null): failed to open stream: Operation not permitted
  244. Lua error: Cannot create process: proc_open(/dev/null): failed to open stream: Operation not permitted
  245. astronautix.com Kaituozhe-1, also called KY-1 Lua error: Cannot create process: proc_open(/dev/null): failed to open stream: Operation not permitted
  246. Lua error: Cannot create process: proc_open(/dev/null): failed to open stream: Operation not permitted
  247. Lua error: Cannot create process: proc_open(/dev/null): failed to open stream: Operation not permitted
  248. Врати се на: 248,0 248,1 248,2 248,3 248,4 248,5 248,6 Lua error: Cannot create process: proc_open(/dev/null): failed to open stream: Operation not permitted
  249. astronautix.com, Long March 1, also called CZ-1
  250. Врати се на: 250,0 250,1 Lua error: Cannot create process: proc_open(/dev/null): failed to open stream: Operation not permitted
  251. astronautix.com, Long March 1D (CZ-1D) Lua error: Cannot create process: proc_open(/dev/null): failed to open stream: Operation not permitted
  252. astronautix.com Long March 2A – CZ-2A Lua error: Cannot create process: proc_open(/dev/null): failed to open stream: Operation not permitted
  253. astronautix.com, Encyclopedia Astronautica, Molniya 8K78M Lua error: Cannot create process: proc_open(/dev/null): failed to open stream: Operation not permitted
  254. Lua error: Cannot create process: proc_open(/dev/null): failed to open stream: Operation not permitted
  255. Lua error: Cannot create process: proc_open(/dev/null): failed to open stream: Operation not permitted
  256. Lua error: Cannot create process: proc_open(/dev/null): failed to open stream: Operation not permitted
  257. Lua error: Cannot create process: proc_open(/dev/null): failed to open stream: Operation not permitted
  258. Lua error: Cannot create process: proc_open(/dev/null): failed to open stream: Operation not permitted
  259. Lua error: Cannot create process: proc_open(/dev/null): failed to open stream: Operation not permitted
  260. Lua error: Cannot create process: proc_open(/dev/null): failed to open stream: Operation not permitted
  261. astronautix.com, N-I- Delta Lua error: Cannot create process: proc_open(/dev/null): failed to open stream: Operation not permitted
  262. astronautix.com, Encyclopedia Astronautica, N-2 Lua error: Cannot create process: proc_open(/dev/null): failed to open stream: Operation not permitted
  263. Lua error: Cannot create process: proc_open(/dev/null): failed to open stream: Operation not permitted
  264. Lua error: Cannot create process: proc_open(/dev/null): failed to open stream: Operation not permitted
  265. Korea, By Christoph Bluth,
  266. Encyclopedia Astronautica, Proton-K
  267. Lua error: Cannot create process: proc_open(/dev/null): failed to open stream: Operation not permitted
  268. Lua error: Cannot create process: proc_open(/dev/null): failed to open stream: Operation not permitted
  269. Lua error: Cannot create process: proc_open(/dev/null): failed to open stream: Operation not permitted
  270. Врати се на: 270,0 270,1 Lua error: Cannot create process: proc_open(/dev/null): failed to open stream: Operation not permitted
  271. Lua error: Cannot create process: proc_open(/dev/null): failed to open stream: Operation not permitted
  272. Врати се на: 272,0 272,1 Lua error: Cannot create process: proc_open(/dev/null): failed to open stream: Operation not permitted
  273. Врати се на: 273,0 273,1 273,2 Lua error: Cannot create process: proc_open(/dev/null): failed to open stream: Operation not permitted
  274. astronautix.com, Saturn I Lua error: Cannot create process: proc_open(/dev/null): failed to open stream: Operation not permitted
  275. Врати се на: 275,0 275,1 Lua error: Cannot create process: proc_open(/dev/null): failed to open stream: Operation not permitted
  276. Encyclopedia Astronautica, Saturn IB Lua error: Cannot create process: proc_open(/dev/null): failed to open stream: Operation not permitted
  277. Lua error: Cannot create process: proc_open(/dev/null): failed to open stream: Operation not permitted
  278. Lua error: Cannot create process: proc_open(/dev/null): failed to open stream: Operation not permitted
  279. Lua error: Cannot create process: proc_open(/dev/null): failed to open stream: Operation not permitted
  280. Lua error: Cannot create process: proc_open(/dev/null): failed to open stream: Operation not permitted
  281. Alan Lawrie and Robert Godwin, Saturn, 2005 (paperback, Apogee Books Space Series, 2010), ISBN 1-894959-19-1Lua error: Cannot create process: proc_open(/dev/null): failed to open stream: Operation not permitted
  282. John Duncan, Saturn V Flight History Lua error: Cannot create process: proc_open(/dev/null): failed to open stream: Operation not permitted (1999), web page (accessed 20 August 2010)
  283. Lua error: Cannot create process: proc_open(/dev/null): failed to open stream: Operation not permitted
  284. Lua error: Cannot create process: proc_open(/dev/null): failed to open stream: Operation not permitted
  285. Врати се на: 285,0 285,1 285,2 Lua error: Cannot create process: proc_open(/dev/null): failed to open stream: Operation not permitted
  286. Врати се на: 286,0 286,1 286,2 Lua error: Cannot create process: proc_open(/dev/null): failed to open stream: Operation not permitted
  287. Lua error: Cannot create process: proc_open(/dev/null): failed to open stream: Operation not permitted
  288. Lua error: Cannot create process: proc_open(/dev/null): failed to open stream: Operation not permitted
  289. Lua error: Cannot create process: proc_open(/dev/null): failed to open stream: Operation not permitted
  290. Lua error: Cannot create process: proc_open(/dev/null): failed to open stream: Operation not permitted
  291. Lua error: Cannot create process: proc_open(/dev/null): failed to open stream: Operation not permitted
  292. Lua error: Cannot create process: proc_open(/dev/null): failed to open stream: Operation not permitted
  293. Врати се на: 293,0 293,1 Lua error: Cannot create process: proc_open(/dev/null): failed to open stream: Operation not permitted
  294. Lua error: Cannot create process: proc_open(/dev/null): failed to open stream: Operation not permitted
  295. Lua error: Cannot create process: proc_open(/dev/null): failed to open stream: Operation not permitted
  296. Врати се на: 296,0 296,1 Lua error: Cannot create process: proc_open(/dev/null): failed to open stream: Operation not permitted
  297. Lua error: Cannot create process: proc_open(/dev/null): failed to open stream: Operation not permitted
  298. Lua error: Cannot create process: proc_open(/dev/null): failed to open stream: Operation not permitted
  299. Врати се на: 299,0 299,1 Lua error: Cannot create process: proc_open(/dev/null): failed to open stream: Operation not permitted
  300. Lua error: Cannot create process: proc_open(/dev/null): failed to open stream: Operation not permitted
  301. Lua error: Cannot create process: proc_open(/dev/null): failed to open stream: Operation not permitted
  302. Lua error: Cannot create process: proc_open(/dev/null): failed to open stream: Operation not permitted
  303. Lua error: Cannot create process: proc_open(/dev/null): failed to open stream: Operation not permitted
  304. Lua error: Cannot create process: proc_open(/dev/null): failed to open stream: Operation not permitted
  305. Lua error: Cannot create process: proc_open(/dev/null): failed to open stream: Operation not permitted
  306. Lua error: Cannot create process: proc_open(/dev/null): failed to open stream: Operation not permitted
  307. astronautix.com, Titan II GLV Lua error: Cannot create process: proc_open(/dev/null): failed to open stream: Operation not permitted
  308. astronautix.com, Titan 23G Lua error: Cannot create process: proc_open(/dev/null): failed to open stream: Operation not permitted
  309. Encyclopedia Astronautica, Titan 3A Lua error: Cannot create process: proc_open(/dev/null): failed to open stream: Operation not permitted
  310. Encyclopedia Astronautica, Titan 3B Lua error: Cannot create process: proc_open(/dev/null): failed to open stream: Operation not permitted
  311. astronautix.com, Titan IIIC Lua error: Cannot create process: proc_open(/dev/null): failed to open stream: Operation not permitted
  312. astronautix.com, Titan IIID Lua error: Cannot create process: proc_open(/dev/null): failed to open stream: Operation not permitted
  313. astronautix.com, Titan IIIE Lua error: Cannot create process: proc_open(/dev/null): failed to open stream: Operation not permitted
  314. astronautix.com, Titan 34D Lua error: Cannot create process: proc_open(/dev/null): failed to open stream: Operation not permitted
  315. Врати се на: 315,0 315,1 Lua error: Cannot create process: proc_open(/dev/null): failed to open stream: Operation not permitted
  316. Врати се на: 316,0 316,1 Lua error: Cannot create process: proc_open(/dev/null): failed to open stream: Operation not permitted
  317. Врати се на: 317,0 317,1 Lua error: Cannot create process: proc_open(/dev/null): failed to open stream: Operation not permitted
  318. astronautix.com, Tsyklon-2A Lua error: Cannot create process: proc_open(/dev/null): failed to open stream: Operation not permitted
  319. Lua error: Cannot create process: proc_open(/dev/null): failed to open stream: Operation not permitted
  320. astronautix.com, Tsyklon-2 Lua error: Cannot create process: proc_open(/dev/null): failed to open stream: Operation not permitted
  321. Врати се на: 321,0 321,1 Lua error: Cannot create process: proc_open(/dev/null): failed to open stream: Operation not permitted
  322. nasaspaceflight.com, Tsyklon-3
  323. Врати се на: 323,0 323,1 Lua error: Cannot create process: proc_open(/dev/null): failed to open stream: Operation not permitted
  324. astronautix.com, vanguard Lua error: Cannot create process: proc_open(/dev/null): failed to open stream: Operation not permitted
  325. Lua error: Cannot create process: proc_open(/dev/null): failed to open stream: Operation not permitted
  326. Lua error: Cannot create process: proc_open(/dev/null): failed to open stream: Operation not permitted
  327. Handbook of Space Engineering, Archaeology, and Heritage by Ann Darrin, Beth L. O'Leary, page 116
  328. Lua error: Cannot create process: proc_open(/dev/null): failed to open stream: Operation not permitted
  329. Врати се на: 329,0 329,1 Lua error: Cannot create process: proc_open(/dev/null): failed to open stream: Operation not permitted
  330. Lua error: Cannot create process: proc_open(/dev/null): failed to open stream: Operation not permitted
  331. astronautix.com, Soyuz/Vostok Lua error: Cannot create process: proc_open(/dev/null): failed to open stream: Operation not permitted
  332. Врати се на: 332,0 332,1 Lua error: Cannot create process: proc_open(/dev/null): failed to open stream: Operation not permitted
  333. Врати се на: 333,0 333,1 Lua error: Cannot create process: proc_open(/dev/null): failed to open stream: Operation not permitted
  334. Lua error: Cannot create process: proc_open(/dev/null): failed to open stream: Operation not permitted
  335. Lua error: Cannot create process: proc_open(/dev/null): failed to open stream: Operation not permitted
  336. Врати се на: 336,0 336,1 336,2 336,3 336,4 Lua error: Cannot create process: proc_open(/dev/null): failed to open stream: Operation not permitted
  337. Lua error: Cannot create process: proc_open(/dev/null): failed to open stream: Operation not permitted
  338. Врати се на: 338,0 338,1 Lua error: Cannot create process: proc_open(/dev/null): failed to open stream: Operation not permitted

Lua error: Cannot create process: proc_open(/dev/null): failed to open stream: Operation not permitted

Lua error: Cannot create process: proc_open(/dev/null): failed to open stream: Operation not permitted
Грешка код цитирања: Постоје ознаке <ref> за групу с именом „lower-alpha“, али нема одговарајуће ознаке <references group="lower-alpha"/>